

    毕业论文关键词: 馥奇香型;香精;皂用;配方;香原料;

    The Preparation of Fougere scent soap fragrance

    Abstract:In this paper,soap with the creation of the aromatic fougere. After the investigation of market, by smelling the fougere soap on the market,and reading related paper and data, to determine the aroma of the perfume composition: by combining the analysis and the Sensory evaluating to the fougere essense to determine the fragrance of fougere components,:developing the formula ,improving the formula by the environments ,and finally get an optimized formula of fougere fragrance.the composition of this fougere: moss incense 5%,grass incense16.15% ,fennel incese 2.5%,beans incense 5.5%,flower incense 21%,fruit incense 3%,mood incense 9%,amber incense 3.5%,musk incense 4%. Finally by sensory test , the aroma of fougere is good ,and it fit to the market.

    Keyword: fougere; soap; fragrance; composition; aroma


    1前言 1

    1.1 香皂的历史以及国内外发展现状概述 1

    1.2 馥奇香型的发展和演变 3

    1.2.1 馥奇香型的发展 3

    1.2.2 馥奇的演变 3

    1.3 本课题研究的目的与意义 3

    2实验内容和实验方法 5

    2.1 实验仪器 5

    2.2 香气分路 5

    2.3实验香原料的选择 5

    2.4 实验香原料香韵的分类 6

    2.5皂用香精调配注意事项 7

    2.6 皂用香精调配原则 7

    2.7 香精研制 8

    2.8 感官评定 8

    2.9 初步拟定配方 8

    2.10 香气评定 9

    2.11 再次拟定初始配方 9

    2.12 最终初始配方 10

    3实验结果结果与分析讨论 11

    3.1 苔青香韵原料的用量对香精香气影响 11

    3.2 清香韵香原料的用量对香精香气的影响 12

    3.3 木香韵香原料的用量对香精香气的影响 14

    3.4 果香韵原料的用量对香精香气的影响 16

    3.5 花香韵原料的用量对香精香料的影响 18

    3.6 豆香韵香原料的用量对香精香气影响 21

    3.7琥珀香韵的用量对香精的香气影响 22

    3.8 豆-茴青香韵及麝香韵的用量对香精香气影响 24


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