

    关键词  四氮烯   SSD   针刺起爆药  分析工艺  生产工艺 


    Title  Method for analysis of tetrazene in SSD           


    Tetrazene is a very important part of the SSD stab composition. However,  the analyzing results of the tetrazene are usually not accurate in Physical and Chemical analysis, which makes the performance evaluation difficult to be quantified. This paper introduced the manufacturing process and 

    the analyzing process of SSD stab compositions. The analyzing results of SSD stab composition in recent years were collected, analyzed to find the problems existed in the analyzing method and the reasons causing these analyzing errors were inferred by combining with the production process. By comparing the two kinds of analyzing methods in factory, the more accurate analyzing method was determined and a new improvement method was put forward. It is recommended in the paper that according to the characteristic of tetrazene, it is possible to do routine analysis of SSD stab composition using IR and spectrophotometer.

    Keywords  Terazene; SDD; Stab composition; Analyzing method; Production process;


    1 引言 1

    1.1 起爆药的介绍 1

    1.2 四氮烯的简介 2

    1.3 氮化铅及羧甲基纤维素氮化铅的简介 4

    1.4 SSD针刺起爆药理化分析现状 5

    1.5 本文主要研究的内容 5

    2 SSD制造工艺 6

    2.1 SSD的介绍 6

    2.2 SSD的制造流程图 6

    2.3 SSD的制造工艺 6

    2.3.1 原料配制 6

    2.3.2 加料与化合 7

    2.3.3 抽滤与洗涤 8

    2.3.4 晾药与干燥 8

    2.3.5 筛选与入库 8

    2.4 显微镜下SSD针刺起爆药的晶形及分析 9

    3 工厂SSD针刺起爆药中四氮烯含量的分析工艺 11

    3.1 旧四氮烯含量分析工艺介绍 11

    3.2新工艺四氮烯含量分析工艺介绍 11

    3.3 两种分析方法的对比与讨论 13

    3.4 SSD四氮烯含量的数据分析(减量法) 14

    3.5 现行生产工艺的改进和新的四氮烯理化分析工艺的探索和讨论 16

    结 论 18

    致 谢 19

    参考文献 20

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