
    摘要近年来,随着工业的发展,燃煤锅炉增加了很多,这些锅炉排放的烟尘是雾霾天气的成因之一,雾霾天气已经严重地影响到了我们的生活、交通及人体健康,所以燃煤锅炉除尘特别重要。本设计主要完成的是800t/h燃煤锅炉烟气除尘设备的选型设计。根据给定的锅炉额定蒸发量,选择锅炉的类型和煤种。根据锅炉的参数和煤的元素含量计算耗煤量、烟气量、烟气浓度及除尘效率。根据一系列要求选择合适的除尘器,计算除尘器的尺寸,再用 画除尘器的主视图、左视图和法兰图。51459


    毕业论文关键词:燃煤锅炉  电除尘器  选型设计

    Selection and Design of Flue Dust Removal Equipment for 800t/h Coal Fired Boiler


    In recent years, with the development of industry, coal-fired boiler has increased greatly, the smoke from these boilers is one of the causes of haze weather, haze weather has seriously affected our life, transport and human health, so removal of coal-fired boiler dust is particularly important. This design mainly completes the selection and design of flue dust removal equipment for 800t/h coal fired boiler. The type of boiler and coal are selected according to the given boiler rated evaporation. Coal consumption, flue gas volume, flue gas concentration and the dust removal efficiency are calculated according to the boiler's parameters and the content of each elemet. The appropriate dust precipitator is selected based on a series of requirements and sizes of dust collector are calculated, the main view, left view and flange of dust removal equipment are painted by AutoCAD .

    Key Words:coal- fired boiler  electric dust collector  selection design

    目  录






    1 引言 1

    1.1 概述 1

    1.2 我国除尘技术发展现状 2

    1.3 环境保护法 2

    2 除尘设备选型设计 3

    2.1 锅炉及煤种的选择 3

    2.2 耗煤量、烟气量、含尘浓度及除尘效率的计算 5

    2.3除尘器的选择 8

    2.4电除尘器设计 10

    3 设计图 16

    4 总结 19

    参考文献 20

    致 谢21


    图序号 图名称 页码

    图1-1 锅炉产生大气污染物的危害 1

    图1-2 今年主要的环境保护法 3

    图2-1 电除尘器箱体及灰斗 13

    图3-1 电除尘器主视图 16

    图3-2 电除尘器左视图 17

    图3-3 电除尘器法兰图 18


    表序号 表名称 页码

    表2-1 锅炉的分类

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