    摘要:    UV固化水性光油具有环境污染少、固化时间短、消耗能源低、涂膜质量高等优点,其绿色环保与生产安全更是得到广泛关注,近年来取得较大的发展。本次实验是由预聚物、光引发剂及助剂组成的UV固化水性光油体系,本实验合成了两大系列四类20种不同的水性光固化聚氨酯丙烯酸酯树脂(PUA),通过改变合成预聚物使用原料的种类及用量,合成了不同配比的聚醚型PUA与聚酯型PUA,并改变封端剂的种类引入氟和硅对产品进行改性,在合成乳液常温干燥成膜后对其照射紫外光使之交联固化,测试固化成膜物的各种性能,发现聚醚型PUA与聚酯型PUA均具有良好的耐水性,优良的耐酸性,但耐碱性一般,改性产品在耐水性,吸水率与硬度对原先产品有所改良,且聚酯型PUA的硬度远远高于聚醚型PUA。7570
    关键词:    聚氨酯丙烯酸酯;紫外光固化;封端剂;官能度;改性
    Preparation of High Performance Water-based Varnish
    Abstract:     UV-curable water-based varnish with less environmental pollution, short curing time, low energy consumption, high quality coating, etc., the environmental protection and production safety are gaining widespread attention in recent years and achieve greater development. This experiment use prepolymer, photo initiator, and additives to prepare waterborne UV curing varnish system. In this experiment, there are two system four different series 20 kinds PUA. The experiment changes the type and amount of raw materials which used to prepare the prepolymer. Then gain different proportions of polyether type of PUA and polyester type of PUA. The experiment changes the type of capping agent to put fluorine and silicone into macromolecular chains which aim to better performance. The emulsion was dried at room temperature then put them under UV irradiation to film curing. Then test various properties of cured film-forming material then find that polyester-PUA and polyether-PUA has good water resistance, excellent acid resistance but alkali resistance is not very good and the hardness of polyester-PUA is much higher than that of polyether-PUA.  
    Key Words:    Polyurethane acrylate;UV-curable;Capping agent;Functionality;Modified
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    光油概述    1
    1.1.1    溶剂型光油    1
    1.1.2    水性光油    1
    1.1.3    UV光油    1
    1.1.4    UV固化水性光油    2
    1.2    光油发展现状    2
    1.3    UV固化技术概述    2
    1.4    UV固化水性光油的组成    3
    1.4.1    UV固化水性预聚物    3
    1.4.2    光引发剂    4
    1.4.3    助剂    4
    1.5    UV固化成膜机理    5
    1.6    UV固化水性涂料的发展趋势    5
    1.7    本论文的研究背景、研究意义和研究内容    6
    1.7.1    本论文的研究背景和研究意义    6
    1.7.2    本论文的研究内容    6
    2    实验部分    7
    2.1    实验原材料和药品    7
    2.2    实验用仪器设备    7
    2.3    合成工艺    9
    2.3.1    原料的预处理    9
    2.3.2    实验装置图    9
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