

    Abstract Starting in July 1, 2014, the State Environmental Protection Department will announce the new emission standards for air pollutants (GB13223-2011) for existing fossil fuel power plants.New emission standards for thermal power plant emissions of major pollutants (sulfur dioxide, soot, nitrogen oxides, etc.) put forward more stringent emissions requirements.Thermal power plant as a state controlled enterprise, not only is the main source of atmospheric pollution, but also a member of the atmospheric environment management.Environmental pressures and social responsibility are increasing.Based on Zhejiang Yueqing power plant nitrogen oxides, soot, sulfur dioxide emissions analysis, and their emissions will cause a series of environmental pollution problems.It is known that these pollutants have direct and potential hazards to human health, ecosystem and building facilities.Can make children's immune function decline, chronic pharyngitis, bronchial asthma incidence increased, while the elderly eye, respiratory rate increased.Nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide are the main reasons for the formation of acid rain, and the smoke will cause greater damage to the human respiratory system.The smoke and dust can cause greater damage to the human respiratory system.Finally, put forward reasonable measures to reduce emissions of these pollutants, reduce to the surrounding environment and the surrounding life damage.For example, there are various types of dust for the discharge of dust, sulfur dioxide emissions have a variety of desulfurization technology, nitrogen oxides emissions of NOx and flue gas denitrification.

    毕业论文关键词:火力发电厂; 氮氧化物; 二氧化硫; 烟尘; 污染危害

    Key words:  thermal power plant;nitrogen oxide;Nitrogen dioxide; smoke;Pollution hazard

    目录 4

    引言 5

    1 概述 5

      1.1  我国火力发电厂的发展情况 5

      1.2  浙能乐清发电厂的基本情况 6

    2 浙能乐清发电厂2015年以及2016年的污染物排放监测数据 6

      2.1  2015年的污染物监测数据 7

      2.2  2016年的污染物监测数据 9

    3  火力发电厂排放的污染物造成的影响 10

      3.1 氮氧化物排放造成的影响 10

      3.2 二氧化硫排放造成的影响

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