
    摘 要:作为以秸秆为发酵原料的沼气发酵系统由于物料单一,营养成分配比失调,普遍存在着产气量不高的问题。本研究以秸秆作为厌氧发酵原料,通过向发酵料液分别添加不同微量元素(Cu、Co、Mn、Zn)研究外源添加物对其厌氧发酵产气量、气体成分等变化规律的正负影响,寻找甲烷菌的最适生长条件,为解决其实际利用问题打下理论基础。该文中厌氧发酵的原料是以秸秆为原料的预处理物,厌氧发酵在生物质能与酶技术重点实验室自行设计的小型厌氧发酵装置中进行,分别针对不同试验组加入微量金属盐进行厌氧发酵不,同时设置空白试验组,试验中每天固定时间测定试验组产生的PH值和产气量,本试验是以用微量金属盐作为催化剂,研究了其在秸秆发酵制取沼气过程中的影响。试验分别选取了微量的硫酸铜、氯化钴、硫酸锰、硫酸锌作为催化剂,研究结果表明所有所添加的金属元素对沼气的产量曲线产生影响,同时较大程度地降低了沼气的产量。铜离子、和锰离子会使发酵液最终pH降低。此次研究成果为以后秸秆厌氧发酵的研究提供了一定的参考依据。55778


    Abstract:As the fermentation with straw as raw materials of biogas fermentation system due to a single material,Nutrition ingredient ratio imbalance,The prevalent problems of gas production rate is not high.Through to the material liquid fermentation adding different trace elements (Cu, Co, Mn, zinc) studies of the anaerobic fermentation of the exogenous additives on gas production,The positive and negative influences of gas composition change rule,Looking for methane bacteria optimum growth conditions,To solve the problem of the actual use of laying a theoretical basis.In this paper, the anaerobic fermentation of raw material is straw as the raw material pretreatment,Anaerobic fermentation in biomass and enzyme technology key laboratory designed small anaerobic fermentation device,Add trace metal salt respectively according to different test group for anaerobic fermentation,At the same time set the blank group,Experimental determination fixed time every day in the experimental group to produce PH value and gas production,This test is based on trace metal salt was used as catalyst,Study the influence on the straw in the process of producing biogas fermentation.Test, selected the trace amounts of copper sulfate, cobalt chloride, manganese sulfate, zinc sulfate as catalyst, the results show that all the added metallic elements but also affect the biogas yield curve, at the same time, the larger the biogas production was reduced. Had a little effects on the PH of the fermentation, copper ion, and manganese ions can make fermented liquid PH lower finally. The research achievements in the research of straw after fermentation provides effective reference data.

    Keywords:fermentation,straw,biogas, trace metals

    目 录

    1  前言 3

    1.1  选题的背景及意义 3

    2  选题的理论背景简述 3

    2.1  沼气厌氧发酵原理 3

    2.2  沼气厌氧发酵中微量元素的影响研究背景 4

    3  试验材料与研究方法 5

    3.1发酵原料配比 5

    3.2  试验装置 5

    3.3  试验方法 5

    3.4  测试方法与指标 6

    4  结果与讨论 6

    结  论

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