
    摘  要:本文研究了用高效液相色谱法同时测定枇杷花中芦丁、齐墩果酸和熊果酸含量的方法并考察该方法的适用性。用高效液相色谱法对芦丁、齐墩果酸和熊果酸三种标样进行了单组分和混合组分测定,建立了三种标样的标准曲线并考察了它们的线性范围和重现性;采用超声提取方法对枇杷花进行了提取,并用建立的方法对提取物进行了三种标样化合物的测定及回收率的研究。结果表明,芦丁、齐墩果酸和熊果酸的标准曲线为:y=9.89998+440.22031x(R=0.99999,n=7),y=3.94106+70.47677x(R=0.99999,n=7),y=2.70705+50.04802x(R=0.99999,n=7);芦丁、齐墩果酸和熊果酸的线性范围分别为0.00624×10-4mg~104×10-4mg(R=0.999),0.59×10-4mg~29.6×10-4mg(R=0.9999)和0.344×10-4mg~137.6×10-4mg(R=0.9999);枇杷花中芦丁、齐墩果酸和熊果酸的含量分别为6.17mg/g、0.278 mg/g和1.86 mg/g,且标准偏差分别为1.64%、0.22%、1.48%,表明该方法的重现性较好;对芦丁的回收率为91.83%,表明本方法对芦丁检测具有高的准确性,对齐墩果酸和熊果酸的回收率分别为83.74%和83.14%,表明本方法对齐墩果酸和熊果酸的检测具有相对较高的准确性。用本方法也检测了其他几种植物花中的三种化合物的含量。57039


    Abstract: This paper studied the quantitative analysis of rutin, oleanolic acid and ursolic acid in loquant flowers simultaneously by HPLC and also investigated the applicability of this method. The single and mixture components of rutin, oleanolic acid and ursolic acid were determined by HPLC respectively and the standard curves of them were established and their linear range and reproducibility were examined. The loquant flowers were extracted by using ultrasonic extraction method. Three kinds of standard sample compounds in the extracts were measured with established method and their recoveries were also examined. The results showed that the standard curves for rutin, oleanolic acid and ursolic acid were y=9.89998+440.22031x (r=0.99999,n=7),  y=3.94106+70.47677x(r=0.99999), y=2.70705+50.04802x(r=0.99999,n=7), respectively; The standard curves of rutin, oleanolic acid and ursolic acid were liner over the range of 0.00624×10-4mg~104×10-4mg(R=0.999),0.59×10-4mg~29.6×10-4mg(R=0.9999)and 0.344×10-4mg~137.6×10-4mg(R=0.9999),respectively. The content of rutin, oleanolic acid and ursolic acid in loquant flowers was 6.17mg/g,0.278 mg/g and 1.86 mg/g with RSD 1.64%,0.22% and 1.48%, respectively, which represented that this method had a good reproducibility. The recovery of rutin was 91.83%, which represented that the detection of rutin had high accuracy, the recoveries of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid were 83.74% and 83.14%, respectively, which represented that the detections of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid had relatively high accuracy; This method was also used to inspect the content of these three kinds of compounds in several other plants.

    Keywords:loquant flowers, rutin , oleanolic acid , ursolic acid, ultrasonic extraction, HPLC

    目  录

    1  引言 4

    2  实验部分 4

    2.1  材料、仪器与试剂 5

    2.2  实验方法 5

    2.2.1标准样品的配制及枇杷花样品的提取 5

    2.2.2  高效液相色谱条件及方法 6

    2.2.3  标准曲线绘制 6

    2.2.4  线性范围的测定 6

    2.2.5  重复性实验

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