
    摘要高分子共混薄膜的广泛应用对其性能提出了越来越苛刻的要求,而其相行为在上述过程中扮演了决定性角色。在高分子共混薄膜中,存在高分子共混物和薄膜两个方面的属性。一方面,作为薄膜,存在稳定性问题;另一方面,作为高分子共混物,存在相容性以及相分离行为。并且,当共混物中含结晶性组分时,会存在结晶行为。上述体系中,多种相行为的相互竞争、相互影响给其结构与性能调控提供广阔空间的同时,也对深入理解复杂相行为及其耦合机制带来了巨大挑战。聚乳酸(PLLA)是一种具有良好生物相容性、可生物降解的热塑性环境友好高分子材料。近年来,对 PLLA 的改性研究受到学术界和工业界的广泛关注。聚乳酸在晶区中分子链排列规整紧密,结晶更完善,有利于改善力学性能和延缓降解速度,半晶性的结晶速率很慢,限制了它的应用。另外高结晶度的硬而脆,降解时间过长。因此,了解的结晶行为,深入探讨影响结晶行为的因素,有利于从微观上控制其结构,从而改善材料的加工和使用性能,扩大其应用范围。60577

     Abstract Due to the wide use of polymer materials, the structure and performance of them, which are mainly controlled by complicated phase behaviors, have been paid much attention in the past decades. As an example, polymer blend films exhibit two kinds of properties: the stability of film and miscibility of polymer blend. Especially, crystallization, as well as phase separation in blend and wetting/dewetting in films, plays an important role in the blend with crystal polymers. Phase behaviors discussed above and interplay among them not only determine the structures and resultant performance of polymer blend films, but also have been remained as a big challenge in the investigation on them. Poly (L-lactide) (PLLA) has attracted great interest in recent years because of produced from renewable recourses and is biodegradable. Molecular chain arrangement neat tight in the zone, crystallization is more perfect, is conducive to improve the mechanical properties and slow degradation rate, half slow crystallization rate of crystal, limits its application. Degradation and high crystallinity of hard and brittle, time is too long. Therefore, understanding the crystallization behavior, and discussed the influencing factors of crystallization behavior, help to control its on the micro structure, thus improve the material processing and use of performance, to extend its range of application.

    毕业论文关键词: 高分子共混 薄膜 去润湿 相分离 结晶 原子力显微镜

     Abstract:  Polymer Blend; Films; Dewetting; Phase Separation; Ring-banded     Spherulites; AFM


    第一章 绪论 3

    1.1引言 3

    1.2结晶性高分子的结晶形态 4

    1.3结晶性高分子共混薄膜的相分离与去润湿 4

    1.4本论文的研究思路 5

    1.4.1立题依据 5

    1.4.2研究内容 5

    第二章  PLLA/POM共混薄膜的稳定性及其结构形成动力学研究 7

    2.1 引言 7

    2.2实验部分 7

    2.2.1材料、试剂与仪器设备 7

    2.2.2薄膜制备 8

    2.2.3实验过程 8

    2.3  结果与讨论 9

    2.3.2  PLLA选择溶剂诱导下双层膜的去润湿行为

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