


    Porphyrin - RGO photoelectric chemical behavior of the modified electrodes

    Abstract: Based on the latest progress of graphene oxide study, from the perspective of graphene electrochemical process for the preparation of graphene derivatives and research on their electrochemical behavior is reviewed, including the preparation of graphene oxide and the reduction of graphene oxide, the electrochemical behavior of graphene, graphene dye on photoelectrochemical behavior and the like. Subsequently, different experimental parameters such as light reduction time, porphyrin concentration, pH, etc. influence of graphene photoelectrochemical behavior were discussed. Through research, we found RGO and porphyrin dyes have a strong interaction, the introduction of porphyrins can greatly enhance the graphene electrode modified photoelectric effect. Electrolyte and pH, porphyrin concentration, so the size of the bias current to light intensity has a significant impact.

    Keywords: Graphene; porphyrin; photoelectrochemical behavior


    1.绪论 5

    1.1引言 5

    1.2石墨烯氧化物的基本结构和性质 5

    1.3氧化石墨烯的制备方法 6

    1.3.1机械剥离法 6

    1.3.2胶体溶液法 7

    1.3.3化学气相沉积法 7

    1.3.4外延生长法 7

    1.4染料敏化技术的应用 8

    1.4.1染料敏化技术在太阳能电池方面的应用 8

    1.4.2染料敏化在光催化制氢方面的应用 9

    1.5卟啉的应用 10

    1.5.1卟啉简介 10

    1.5.2卟啉在催化方面的应用 11

    1.5.3卟啉在分析化学方面的应用[29] 12

    1.6研究意义 12

    2.实验部分 13

    2.1 实验药品及主要仪器 13

    2.2氧化石墨烯的制备过程 14

    2.3氧化石墨烯的还原 17

    2.4工作电极的制备 19

    3.分析部分 19

    3.1紫外吸收光谱分析 19

    3.2光电效应 20

    3.3阻抗对卟啉敏化效应的影响 21

    3.4 PH值对卟啉敏化效应的影响 22

    3.5 TPP浓度对卟啉敏化效应的影响 23


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