    Title:Al / CuO nanowires composite Energetic Materials and electro-explosive performance                                                               
    In the dissertation, CuO nanowires were successfully synthesized by thermal annealing of copper thin films which deposited by Magnetron sputtering on silicon substrate. The effects of different parameters, namely, film thickness, annealing temperature and annealing time on the fabrication of the CuO nanowires were investigated by FESEM, and on the average length, diameter and density of CuO nanowires. In summary, film thickness, annealing temperature, and annealing time would be set to 3.27 μm, 400 ℃, and 5 h, respectively, in order to get uniform and large-area nanowires.
    XRD was applied to analyze the constitution of nanowires. The by XRD patterns showed that Cu2O and CuO were formed in annealing.
    The CuO nanowires cores were served as templates for the deposition of Al shells by subsequent magnetron sputtering to get the CuO/Al core/shell nanowires. The electrical explosion experiments of the composite bridge film were implemented at triggering constant voltage of 120 V and the results showed that delay time was 16μs accompanying with duration of 1.3ms.
    Key words: magnetron sputtering Al/ CuO, CuO nanowires, Characteristics of electrical explosions.
     目  录

    1 引言    1
    1.1 含能材料的研究背景    1
    1.2 Al/CuO含能复合膜的研究状况    2
    1.2.1 国外研究状况    2
    1.2.2 国内研究状况    3
    1.3 薄膜材料的制备技术    3
    1.4  本文的主要研究内容    4
    2  薄膜的制备    4
    2.1 实验材料和仪器    4
    2.1.1  靶材    4
    2.1.2  基片    5
    2.1.3  实验设备    5
    2.2  磁控溅射原理    7
    2.3 Cu薄膜的制备    8
    2.3.1  实验工艺条件的选择    8
    2.3.2  操作步骤    10
    2..4 实验结果    11
    3  CuO纳米线的制备和表征    11
    3.1 制备原理    11
    3.2 热退火制备CuO纳米线    12
    3.3 CuO纳米线的电镜实验    13
    3.3.1 场发射扫描电子显微镜(FE-SEM)    13
    3.3.2 电镜扫描结果    13
    3.3.3分析与结论    18
    3.4  CuO纳米线的XRD实验    19
    .3.4.1 X射线衍射(XRD)    19
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