Design of Concentrated Nitric Acid Bleaching Tower
Abstract: The design is "Design of concentrated nitric acid bleaching tower" . It is a packed tower, and the media of it is 98% concentrated nitric acid. Tower equipment is one of the most important operation unit in chemical industry and petroleum industry. Such as the operation of rectification, absorbing, extraction and washing can be completed by tower equipment. It is widely used in chemical, oil refining, pharmaceutical, food and environmental protection industries. Given design parameters: operating pressure of -1000mm water column, the operating temperature of 30-40℃, tower diameter is 300 mm, packing volume of 0.16m3.Based on process conditions, Q345R was chosen as column material. The strength of the tower and the stability check, calculate the mass loading, the tower natural period, seismic loads and seismic moment, the wind load and wind moment. To check the cylinder axial stress and axial stress check skirt. Obtained by calculating the strength and stability are in line with requirements. Then by comparing the different components, respectively, davit, lifting ears, skirt, equipment to take over, flanges, platform and escalators for the design choices.
KeyWords:packed tower; bleaching tower; pressure vessel; concentrated nitric acid
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题内容 1
1.1.1 课题介绍 1
1.1.2 课题分析 1
1.2 塔设备的结构设计 1
1.2.1 塔设备的主要结构尺寸的确定 1
1.2.2 附属结构及设备 1
1.2.3 塔设备内件 2
1.3 塔设备的强度和稳定性设计 3
2 塔设备内件及附件 4
2.1 喷淋装置 4
2.2 填料的类型与选择 4
2.3 填料的支承结构 5
2.4 支持圈 5
2.5 除沫装置 5
2.6 吊柱 5
2.7 保温圈 5
3 筒体、封头设计计算 6
3.1 圆筒的结构设计及计算 6
3.1.1 Pc计算压力的确定 6
3.1.2 筒体厚度计算 6
3.2 上、下封头的结构设计及计算 7
3.2.1 封头厚度计算 7
3.3 应力计算与校核 8
3.3.1 圆筒的应力计算 8
3.3.2 水压试验 8
4 质量载荷与自振周期计算 9
4.1 质量载荷计算 9
4.1.1 塔体和支座质量 9
4.1.2 塔内件质量 10
4.1.3 保温层质量 10
4.1.4 平台和梯子质量 10
4.1.5 操作状态下塔内物料质量 11
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