
    本文旨在制造出一种安全性好、价格低廉且反应活性大的烟火药氧化剂。本 文先是通过研究复合硝酸盐生产工艺,再对各工艺产品进行密度测量、吸湿性检 测、电镜分析、热分析检测及爆竹药应用性能等方面进行评价,并对碳酸钡原矿 粉制作复合硝酸盐进行了一定的探索。最终得出在应用性能方面可完全替代高氯 酸钾,密度大幅降低,安全性高且防潮良好的复合硝酸盐。制备工艺的影响因素 中,10%的膨化剂能起来较好的膨化和防潮效果,10%的硝酸钾比重则会在不影响 硝酸钡膨化的同时将大幅的提高产品的活性,合适的催化剂种类和加入形式也会 对产品的活性产生积极的影响。通过实验的探索和各方面应用性能的评价,成功 研究出了一种新型安全廉价氧化剂的配方。68429

    毕业论文关键词 生产工艺 正交设计 催化剂 复合硝酸盐 安全氧化剂 烟火药

    Technology study of modified nitrate pyrotechnic safety oxidant


    The thesis aimed to create a safe,inexpensive and highly reactive pyrotechnic oxidants.This article first through the production process of composite nitrate,and the process of product density measurement, moisture detection,electron microscope analysis,thermal analysis and detection of firecracker application performance and other aspects of the evaluation,and explores barium carbonate powders produced composite nitrate.Finally can completely replace the potassium perchlorate in application performance,density reduced composite nitrate,high safety and good resistance to moisture.Factors affecting the preparation process,puffing agent 10% can be good extrusion and moistureproof effect,10% potassium nitrate proportion will not affect nitrate puffing will also improve the activity of the products,the catalyst suitable and adding have positive influence on activity of the products produced.Through the evaluation of experimental exploration and the application performance,a new safe and cheap oxidant formula was successfully created.

    Keywords technology orthogonal design catalyst modified nitrate safety oxidant pyrotechnic


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 研究现状 1

    1.2.1 物理混合法 1

    1.2.2 化学改性法 2

    1.2.3 研究现况分析 2

    1.3 本文研究内容 3

    2 硝酸钡型安全氧化剂的生产工艺 4

    2.1 膨化机理 4

    2.2 制备工艺 4

    2.2.1 流程图 4

    2.2.2 工艺流程 5

    2.3 应用性能 6

    2.3.1 鞭炮配方 6

    2.4 本章小结 7

    3 复合硝酸盐型安全氧化剂的生产工艺 8

    3.1 试剂、仪器及探索工艺 8

    3.1.1 试剂

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