
    要本文采用一定浓度的 HNO3、NaOH、Fe(NO3)3 对媒质、椰壳活性炭进行酸 化、碱化和盐化改性,进一步研究酸化、碱化、盐化后的活性炭对磷的吸附性能, 并对活性炭吸附磷的机理进行了探讨.研究结果表明,在酸化、碱化和盐化后的 媒质、椰壳活性炭中,盐化活性炭的除磷性能最佳,其中盐化椰壳活性炭的性能 最佳,除磷率达到 63.8%;进一步对 Fe(NO3)3 盐化椰壳的浓度进行研究发现, 3.5mol/L 的 Fe(NO3)3 盐化椰壳活性炭的磷去除率最高,达到 88%,进而确定最 佳改性活性炭.进一步对影响吸附性能的活性炭的投加量进行研究,结果表明, 随着活性炭投加量的增加,磷的去除率在不断地增加,8g 为 3.5mol/L Fe(NO3)3 盐化椰壳活性炭的最佳投加量.最后采用准二级动力学模型、Elovich 方程、抛物 扩散方程(Morris 扩散模型)以及幂函数方程对最佳改性活性炭吸附磷的机理进行 了探讨.结果表明,准二级动力方程的拟合效果最佳,线性相关系数 R2 0.99742; 抛物线扩散方程的拟合效果最差,线性相关系数 69080

    该论文有图 8 幅,表 5 个,参考文献 16 篇.

    毕业论文关键词:改性活性炭 动力学方程 酸化 碱化 盐化 磷的去除率

    Modification of Activated Carbon and its Research on Phosphorus Adsorption Experiments


    In this paper, it use a certain concentration of HNO3 、 NaOH and Fe(NO3)3 to modify the carbon of medium and coconut shell activated , included acidification, alkalization and salinization. After that,I study those activated carbon’s adsorption of phosphorus , and the mechanism of adsorption of phosphorus. The research results show that in those activated carbon of medium and coconut shell carbon which including acidification, basification and salinization, the  removal rate of phosphorus of the active carbon of salinization is better and the removal rate of phosphorus of the coconut shell active carbon of salinization is best and its removal rate is 63.8%; The study on the different concentration of Fe(NO3)3 to modify the coconut shell carbon shows that when the concentration of Fe(NO3)3  is 3.5 mol/L ,the removal  efficiency of phosphorus of alinizated carbon of coconut shell reached 88%, which we called it the best modified activated carbon. After that, I study the influence on the dosing amount of modified activated carbon which callled the best modified activated carbon to adsorption of phosphorus.the result shows that with the increasing of the amount of activated carbon, the removal rate of phosphorus is increasing.and the bset dosing    of

    coconut shell activated carbon is 8g.Finally ,I using the pseudo-second order kinetic,

    Elovich equation, parabolic diffusion equation (Morris diffusion model) and  the power function equation to modify the adsorption of phosphorus of the activated carbon. The results proved that the pseudo-second order kineticc equation is the best and the linear correlation coefficient is 0.99742;The worst fitting  is  parabolic diffusion equation, its linear correlation coefficient is 0.78233.

    Key words: modified activated carbon dynamics equation acidification alkaline Salinization removal rate of phosphorus



    Abstract II

    目录.  Ⅲ


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