
    摘要基于 2015 年 11 月—2016 年 2 月国家地表水水质自动检测系统西江的广西 凭祥平而关、广西南宁老口、广西桂林阳朔、广西贵港石嘴和广西梧州界首五个 监测站的监测数据,运用单因子指数法、模糊综合评价法和综合水质标志指数法 三种方法对西江广西段的水质进行评价。评价结果显示,用综合水质指数法评价 西江广西段的水质,评价结果较为真实客观,用此方法评价,五个监测点除 11 月份贵港石嘴为Ⅱ类水,其余各月各监测点均达到Ⅰ类水水质标准。模糊综合评 价法,根据最大隶属度原则,表明五个监测点在评价的四个月水质类别均为Ⅰ类 水,并且结果显示无不达标的现象。用单因子指数评价法评价各类指标发现,广 西凭祥平而关 11 月的水质最好,各项指标均达到Ⅰ类水的水质标准,其他监测 点各月也达到了Ⅱ类水的水质标准,从单日监测数据可以看到桂林阳朔断面、南 宁老口断面和贵港石嘴监测点均出现了高锰酸盐指数超标的现象,这可能是由于 工业废水和生活污水的处理不当所导致的。69082

    毕业论文关键词:水质评价 单因子指数法 综合水质标志指数法 模糊综合评价法

    Water Quality Analysis and Evalution on Xijiang River in Guangxi Province


    Based on November 2015-February 2016 national surface water quality automatic monitoring system, Xijiang Pingxiang flat, Guangxi Nanning Laokou, Guilin Yangshuo, Guigang Shizui and Wuzhou Jieshou used the single factor index method, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and comprehensive water quality mark index method to analyze their monitoring data for water quality assessment of Guangxi Xijiang River. Evaluation results show that, among three methods, using the comprehensive water quality index method can get evaluation results which are more objective and true than other two methods. According to the evaluation results, Guigang Shizui's water is class II water in November,each monitoring point reached quality standards of class I water in the rest of months. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the maximum membership degree principle shows that the water quality of five monitoring stations is class I during four months' evaluation, and all monitoring stations reach the standard. Through using single factor index evaluation method to evaluate all kinds of index Guangxi Pingxiang flat get the  best water quality in November, the indicators reach class I water quality standards, other monitoring months' water quality reach class II water quality standards. Guilin Yangshuo, Laokou Nanning, and Shizui Guigang's permanganate indexes exceed standard according to daily monitoring data , this may be due to improper handling of industrial waste water and domestic sewage.

    Key  Words: water  quality  assessment single  factor  index   method fuzzy comprehensive evaluation comprehensive water quality index method


    Abstract II


    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    1 研究背景 1

    1.1 研究意义 1

    1.2 常用的水质评价方法 1

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