
    摘要太湖流域经济发展迅速,其经济在全国占有重要地位。其污染也随着经济不 断的发展日益加重,这势必会对经济产生重大影响。所以本文通过采用单因子指 数法,内梅罗指数法,灰色聚类法三种评价方法对太湖流域的六条入湖河道进行 评价。评价结果表明六条河道主要的污染因子是氨氮和高锰酸盐指数,主要污染 的河道是上海青浦急水港,其氨氮和高锰酸盐指数均没有达到水质控制标准。对 三种评价方法进行异同分析与优缺点分析,发现内梅罗指数法囊括了单项评价和 综合评价两种功能,可以分别与单因子指数法,灰色聚类法同时进行评价。69084

    毕业论文关键词: 太湖 水质评价 单因子指数法 内梅罗指数法 灰色聚类法

    Tai hu water quality evaluation of main rivers into the lake


    The economic development of the Tai lake basin is rapid and its economy occupies an important position.With the development of the constantly economic increasing , its pollution becomes more and more serious,but it leads to have a bad impact on the economy.So this paper uses three kinds of evaluation method,the single factor index method,Nemerow index method, and gray clustering method to value six rivers into the lake of the Taihu lake basin.The evaluation results show that the main pollutive factors is NH3-N and CODmn among six rivers into lake. The main pollutive river is the Shanghai qingpu and its NH3-N and CODmn did not reach control standard of the water quality..Analysis of the similarities and differences and the advantages and disadvantages of three kinds of evaluation methods found that Nemerow index method includes two functions ,single factor index method and gray clustering method, so it can be combined with single factor index method and grey clustering method to evaluate respectively.

    Key  Words Taihu  lake water  quality  evaluation Single  factor  index  method Nemerow index method Gray clustering method


    摘要 I


    目录 III

    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    变量注释表 IV

    1.绪论 1

    2.研究区概况 2

    3 数据来源与处理 3

    4 水质评价方法 4

    4.1 单因子指数法 4

    4.2 内梅罗指数法 5

    4.3 灰色聚类法 5

    5.评价结果 5

    5.1 单因子指数法 5

    5.2 内梅罗指数法 6

    5.3 灰色聚类法 7

    6.结论与建议 8


    图序号 图名称 页码

    图 3-1 太湖主要入湖河道 4


    表序号 表名称 页码

    表 3-1

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