

    毕业论文关键词  硼  含能材料  镁粉  铝粉  包覆


    Title    Prepare Mg/Al/B Composite Materials and Study   its Combustion Characteristics           

    Abstract Boron has advantage of a high heat of combustion, clean combustion products, etc., but its surface is easily oxidized, resulting in combustion efficiency, the advantage of boron to be energetic materials can not be reflected. In this paper, magnesium and aluminum powder are used as coating agent, use wet milling on the aged boron powder to coat it to modify the surface characteristics. We studied different results of each sample using ethanol, n-hexane, oleic acid as solvent, and the total content of Mg and Al is not the same. By scanning electron microscopy(SEM), we found that when the Mg/Al content is 15% and miliing with ethanol, the material get the best quality and the size is the smallest. Using Ozawa method calculate the kinetic parameters of obtained material/delay powder. It can be found that the activation energy the obtained material required is much lower than B/BaCrO4, it is visible that modified boron powder has better combustion performance.

    Keywords  Boron; Energetic matierials; Magnesium; Aluminum; Coat

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  硼的表面改性方法 1

    1.2  硼的报复材料选择 2

    1.2.1  表面包覆处理要求 2

    1.2.2  包覆材料的选择 2

    1.3  硼掺杂金属粉 3

    1.3.1  金属粉在含能材料中的作用 3

    1.3.2  金属粉的燃烧 3

    1.3.3  铝粉在燃料中的应用 4

    1.3.4  镁粉在燃料中的应用 4

    1.4  本论文主要研究工作 4

    2  硼基复合材料的制备 5

    2.1  实验药品及仪器 5

    2.2  球磨工艺选择 5

    2.3  硼镁铝复合材料的形貌表征 7

    3  硼镁铝复合材料的燃烧活性研究 8

    3.1  热分析动力学简介 8

    3.2  硼镁铝复合材料的动力学研究环境 9

    3.3  硼粉的热分析

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