




    毕业论文关键词  高氯酸钾   硝酸钾    燃烧  爆轰  


    Title    Containing potassium perchlorate, potassium nitrate Combustion Characteristics of pyrotechnic    

    Abstract Based on the containing potassium perchlorate, potassium nitrate pyrotechnic composition tested. Preparation for the two kinds of oxidants containing aluminum powder, magnesium powder and magnesium aluminum mixed Pyrotechnics, thermal analysis, combustion, detonation and other tests.

    By thermal sub-analysis found that potassium perchlorate and Mg binary system consisting of thermal reaction occurs when potassium chlorate is not high fusion reaction took place, that this is a solid-solid reaction course. According to theory of solid-solid phase reaction, potassium perchlorate in the lattice amplitude is increased after heating, the lattice relaxation, lattice diffusion accelerated, increased reactivity, and therefore can not decompose when melted with some substances react. Potassium perchlorate and Al binary system consisting of thermal reaction occurs when the first heat to melt potassium perchlorate, flammable agent coated on the surface of the metal. As the temperature of the system increases, the ability to remain liquid potassium perchlorate gradually weakened to free the oxygen atoms of the metal in the molten state combustible start of the reaction agent in the condensed phase, the reaction in the gas phase to achieve the maximum degree, the end. The maximum reaction zone, heat release due to its much larger than the total amount of heat, resulting in continuing the reaction. The thermal decomposition of potassium nitrate is an endothermic physical and chemical processes.

    It was found by the combustion, charge pressure, the combustion speed of a pharmaceutical effect, but this effect is not apparent regularity. Negative oxygen balance of pharmaceutical easily ignited and burn significantly faster, and a positive oxygen balance of Pharmacy, which is weak ignition, combustion is very unstable.

    Detonation test indicates that in the current experimental conditions, agents used are prone to deflagration, can not be further converted to


    Keywords  Potassium perchlorate     Potassium nitrate  Combustion  Detonation

    目录   1

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