

    毕业论文关键词  MCM-41、 MOSF 、吸附 、放射性废水


    Title    The study of radioactive waste water was adsorbed on porous materials                



    Select a mesoporous material MCM-41, macroporous materials MOSF as an adsorbent, studied the adsorption experiment of simulated wastewater containing uranium.  Investigated the effect of adsorption time, temperature, pH, MCM-41 dosage, initial concentration uranyl on adsorption rate. Investigated the initial concentration, the reaction time on the MOSF adsorption of uranyl solution; and at the same pH, reaction time, temperature, dosage, initial concentration. Compared MCM-41 with MOSF on the adsorption of uranyl solution; draw Langmuir adsorption isotherms and Freundlish adsorption isotherms of adsorption isotherm laws, and analyzed consisting of MCM-41 by XRD spectra, used extraction methods for MOSF pretreatment. Experimental results show that: adsorption equilibrium time is 50min for radiation wastewater on MCM-41 , the adsorption process the Langmuir adsorption isotherm law; equilibration time is 50min for MOSF adsorption of radioactive waste , the adsorption process meets Freundlish adsorption isotherm law; under the same conditions , the adsorption efficiency of MOSF is greater than the adsorption efficiency of MCM-41.

    Keywords  MCM-41  MOSF  Adsorption  Radioactive Wastewater

    目  录

    1  引言 1

    1.1  放射性废水的来源及危害 1

    1.1.1  放射性废水的来源 1

    1.1.2  放射性废水的危害 1

    1.2  放射性废水中铀的存在形态 2

    1.3  吸附法处理含铀废水研究现状 3

    2  实验部分 4

    2.1  实验材料和试剂 4

    2.2  实验仪器 4

    2.3  多孔材料的制备及处理 5

    2.3.1  MCM-41的制备 5

    2.3.2  MOSF的预处理 5

    2.4  溶液的配制 6

    2.4.1  铀标准储备液的配制 6

    2.4.2  偶氮胂Ⅲ显色剂的配制 6

    2.5  放射性废水中铀的测量方法

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