
    摘   要:随着广大农村地区产业结构调整,养殖业由传统分散型养殖向现代大规模集约化发展,农村沼气粪便原料出现紧缺。同时我国农村每年又有大量农作物秸秆产生。目前,虽然国家已经明令禁止焚烧秸秆,但许多农村地区仍然屡禁不止,焚烧过程产生大量烟雾及温室气体,不仅对环境造成了严重影响,而且还使生物质能源白白流失。农作物秸秆可以作为牲畜家禽等粪便缺乏的情况下很好的发酵原料,但秸秆原料具有较多的纤维素,表面覆盖蜡质,木质素结合紧密等问题,常温条件下,发酵原料在沼气池内不易消化分解,产气速度慢,滞留期长,易形成浮渣结壳,影响产气的速率。为了研究干、鲜玉米秸秆厌氧发酵下产气潜力特性,以干、鲜玉米秸秆为发酵原料,采用物理、生物方法对入池前的秸秆原料进行预处理,在30℃的恒温条件下进行厌氧发酵,分析了发酵过程中日产气量、累积产气量、甲烷含量以及挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)变化趋势。本实验结合我国农村地区在实践中常遇到的问题,目的在于探索一种简单、快捷的沼气厌氧发酵产沼技术,为广大农村沼气技术的推广提供理论依据,对我国农业产业结构调整,尽快实现可持续农业转型具有十分积极的作用。67104


    Abstract:With the broad masses of rural industrial structure adjustment, the development from traditional decentralized breeding to modern large-scale intensive aquaculture, rural biogas waste raw material shortages. At the same time our country rural area has a large number of crops straw to produce each year. At present, although the state has already banned the burning of straw, but still many rural areas, incineration process produces a large number of smog and greenhouse gases not only caused serious influence to the environment, but also make the biomass energy wasted. Crop straw can be used as livestock and poultry dung such as lack of good fermentation under the condition of raw materials. But straw raw material with more fiber, surface wax, closely issues such as lignin, under the condition of normal temperature, fermentation raw material in the pool is not easy to digest, gas speed slow, water retention period is long, easy to form scum crusting, affect the rate of producing gas. In order to study the dry and fresh straw gas potential properties under the anaerobic fermentation, fermentation with dry, fresh corn straw as raw materials, physical and biological methods for pretreatment of straw raw material before into the pool, at 30 ℃ under the condition of constant temperature of anaerobic fermentation, the fermentation process is analyzed in the nissan volume, cumulative gas production and methane content and volatile fatty acid (VFA) change trend. This experiment combined with long problems in rural areas in practice in our country, aims to explore a simple and fast biogas anaerobic fermentation to produce marsh technology, provide theoretical basis for the majority of rural biogas technology promotion, agricultural industrial structure adjustment of our country, sustainable agricultural transformation has a very positive role as soon as possible.

    Keywords:biomass energy, inoculum, anaerobic fermentation 


    目  录

    1  前言 4

    1.1  选题的目的及意义 4

    2  厌氧发酵概况简述 4

    2.1  沼气厌氧发酵的原理概况 4

    2.2  秸秆原料厌氧发酵预处理方法

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