



    毕业论文关键词  石墨烯 氮掺杂石墨烯 聚吡咯 超级电容器 电化学性能测试

    Title  Synthesis and Characterization of Graphene/MnO2/Polypyrrole  Ternary Supercapaciton’s Electrode Materials           



    The study on graghene-based supercapacitor becomes hotter recently. In this passage, the innovative method to improve the properties of the graphene-based electrode materials is using the N-doped graghene as the ingredient. At the same time, Manganese oxide(MnO2) and conducting polymer polypyrrole (PPy) were also anchored on the graghene sheet in order to get the electrode material with better electrochemical performance. As for the synthesize process, it can be pided into two steps: the fisrt step is to get the N-doped graghene oxide using H3BF4N as the dopent, and then synthesize the graghene/MnO2 by the redox reaction between graghene oxide and manganese chloride using hydrothermal method. And then, PPy can be added on the graghene/MnO2 composited in the fisrt step via in-situ chemical polymerization in the 0 ℃ water. The as-obtained graphene/MnO2/PPy composites were characterized via XRD and observed with TEM. The electrochemical property was tested by cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanostatic charge-discharge and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The results indicated that the ternary composites were successfully synthesized during two-step way, with enhanced electrochemical performance. The specific capacitance is up to 446F/g.



    Keywords  Graghene  N-doped Graghene  Polypyrrole  Supercapacitor   

              Electrochemical Performance Test


    目   次


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 引言 1

    1.2 石墨烯的研究 2

    1.2.1 石墨烯简介 2

    1.2.2 石墨烯的制备方法 3

    1.3 氧化石墨烯 4

    1.3.1 氧化石墨烯简介 4

    1.3.2 氧化石墨烯的制备方法 5

    1.3.3 氮掺杂的氧化石墨烯 5

    1.4 聚吡咯 5

    1.4.1 聚吡咯的性质与结构 5

    1.4.2 聚吡咯的制备 6

    1.5 金属氧化物改性材料的简介 6

    1.5.1 金属氧化物 7

    1.5.2 二氧化锰 7

    1.6 主要工作介绍

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