


    The Study of The Epoxy Reaction of Linalool 

    Abstract: The main goal of the paper is the study of oxidation of aromatic camphors alcohol in the case of chlorobenzene performic acid do between oxidant by chemical reaction process, this process is mainly by oxidizing aromatic camphors alcohol and antioxidant effects of performic acid by epoxidation reaction, thus to the product of 2 - [5 - methyl - 5 - (epoxy - 2 -) tetrahydrofuran] propyl alcohol, then the separation, purification and structure identification of the product. Experiments on oxidation of aromatic camphors alcohol adding a certain amount of methylene chloride with saturated sodium carbonate, ice water bath 0-5 ℃, magnetic stir to mix well. Under the condition of reflux, magnetic stirring, adding the purity of 85% between chlorobenzene performic acid solution, control the temperature of 0 to 10 ℃, the reaction of 4 hours, get a 2 - [5 - methyl - 5 - (epoxy - 2 -) tetrahydrofuran] propyl alcohol - 3 and possibly other by-products. And the suction filter, washing, drying, after a series of post-processing step to get a pure product of the final goal of 2 - [5 - methyl - 5 - (epoxy - 2 -) tetrahydrofuran] propyl alcohol - 3. Among them, the washing solvent extraction method is used to analyse the product purification, in turn, with a certain amount of saturated sodium sulfite (twice), a certain amount of saturated sodium bicarbonate, a certain amount of saturated sodium chloride (twice), solution of the suction filter after washing, to join the anhydrous sodium sulfate in the solution obtained after drying for the night. The GCMC pop analysis, product will eventually experiment to determine the reaction product is 2 - [5 - methyl - 5 - (epoxy - 2 -) tetrahydrofuran] propyl alcohol - 3 rather than other substances. Based on the relevant data recorded, the yield rate reached 71.99%.

    Key words; Linalool. M-chlorobenzoic acid; Epoxy reactions; Spectral analysis; 2 - [5 - methyl - 5 - (epoxy - 2 -) tetrahydrofuran] propyl alcohol - 3.

    目  录

    1 前言 5

    1.1背景 5

    1.2环氧化反应 6

    1.3文献合成方法 7

    1.3.1 过酸进行的环氧化反应 7

    1.3.2 二氧烷(Dioxiranes)进行的环氧化反应

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