


    Study on Preparation and Adhesion Properties of Mold Cleaning

    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to synthesize mold cleaning glue and analyze and explain the performance of non-vulcanized mold glue and vulcanized rubber. Experiments show that the addition of the cleaning composition of the compound did not add cleaning ingredients have a very clear effect of the clear mold. At the same time, in the synthesis stage I tried a variety of cleaning ingredients of liquid compounding agent. It was found that the addition of stearic acid and calcium stearate favors the decrease in adhesion and thus easy release. The addition of titanium dioxide can increase its tensile strength and vulcanization rate index. In the analysis of the adhesion of synthetic adhesives used in the DMA sandwich shear mode, measuring the shear modulus of the sample and the loss factor to respond to the viscoelasticity of the wash. Found that the cleaning agent with the cleaning agent G' compared to no cleaning agent has a greater decline. In the test of different small materials and fillers of the batch found that the compound of the G' increase also some have reduced.

    Key words: mold cleaning rubber, DMA, mold adhesion property


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 模具清洗胶 1

    1.1.1 模具清洗胶研究的目的和意义 1

    1.1.2 模具清洗胶的国内外研究现状 1

    1.1.3 模具清洗胶的制备技术 2

    1.2 主要的清模材料 3

    1.2.1 三聚氰胺类 3

    1.2.2 清模胶片类 3

    1.2.3 三聚氰胺与洗模胶片的对比 4

    1.3 模具产生污染的原因和防止方法 4

    1.3.1 原因 4

    1.3.2 清洗方法 5

    1.3.3 硫化仪 7

    1.3.4 硫化测试原理 7

    1.4 选题背景与意义 8

    2 实验部分 9

    2.1 实验原料及实验设备 9

    2.1.1 原材料 9

    2.1.2 仪器设备 9

    2.2 基本配方 10

    2.3 试样的制备 11

    2.3.1 洗模胶的制备 11

    2.3.2 模具清洗胶的硫化 11

    2.3.3 模压成型 12

    2.4 硬度测试 12

    2.5 硫化橡胶拉伸 13

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