    运用TG-DSC-MS-IR联用仪对10℃/min、20℃/min、30℃/min、50℃/min四种不同升温速率下的EPS进行测试,并利用Kissinger法、Ozawa法对实验所得到的数据进行热力学分析,计算得到了活化能和指前因子等动力学参数,分析DSC数据得到的活化能相差不大,随着升温速率的升高,分解需要的能量减少,火灾的潜在危险性升高。分析质谱和红外数据得出EPS的热解机理主要是随机分解,EPS在氮气中分解主要有单取代苯、间取代苯、苯乙烯、烷烃、烯烃、炔烃、CO、H2O、C、CO2、乙醇等小分子生成。运用锥形量热仪(CONE)对EPS在25 kW/m2、35 kW/m2、50 kW/m2三种辐射强度下分析其燃烧特性,得出结论为随着外加热辐射量的增加,EPS的火灾危险会增加。9512
    关键词  EPS  TG-DSC-MS-IR  热分析   锥形量热仪
    Title    EPS  material combustible experiments and  andanalysis                                                  
    This thesis through the use of TG-DSC-MS-IR and cone calorimeter commonly usedinsulation material foam polystyrene (EPS) thermal properties and combustion characteristics.
    Using of TG-DSC-MS-IR instrument tested 10℃/min、20°C/min、30°C/min、50°C/min four different heating rates of EPS, And using the Kissinger method, Ozawa method for thermodynamic analysis of theexperimentaldata obtained,the calculated kinetic parameters of activation energy andpreexponential factor,analysis of DSC data obtained activation energy little difference, With increasing heating rate, decomposition of the energy needed to reduce thepotential increased risk of fire. Analysis of mass spectrometry and infrared data obtained EPS thermal decomposition mechanism is random decomposition. EPS in nitrogen decomposition are mainly mono-substituted benzene,substitutedbenzene, styrene,alkanes,Olefin,alkynes,CO, H2O, C, CO2, ethanol and othersmall molecules. The use of cone calorimeter (CONE) EPS in the 25kW/m2,35kW/m2, 50kW/m2 three kinds of radiation to analyze the combustion characteristics,concluded with the increase in the amount of external heating radiation,EPS the fire danger will increase.
    Keywords  EPS  TG-DSC-MS-IR  Thermal analysis   Cone calorimeter
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2课题研究目的与意义    2
    1.3国内外研究现状    3
    1.3.1热分析技术的应用    3
    1.3.2锥形量热仪的应用    5
    1.4本论文工作    6
    2实验仪器及原理方法    6
    2.1热重—差示扫描量热仪联用技术(TG-DSC-MS-IR)    6
    3 EPS材料可燃性实验与分析    12
    3.1 TG-DSC-MS-IR实验部分与分析    12
    3.1.1仪器    12
    3.1.2试样    12
    3.1.3实验条件    12
    3.1.4实验结果分析    13
    3.2锥形量热仪(cone)实验与分析    24
    3.2.1仪器    24
    3.2.2实验试样及条件    24
    3.2.3 实验结果分析    24
    3.2.4 小结    30
    结  论    31
    致  谢    33
    参 考 文 献    34
    1 绪论
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