    100000 tons/year membrane ionic membrane caustic soda, sodium sulfate removal process design
    Design instruction:
    Nahua company built on July 29, 2007 put into operation 100000 tons/year of ionic membrane caustic soda unit. Original design salt raw material for solid salt, sodium sulfate removal system adopts the traditional process of barium chloride method.
    In recent years, with solid sea salt source and rising prices, Nahua company were try to use brine well mineral salt and liquid salt. Liquid solid salt and salt is equivalent to tons of salt brine prices 180 ~ 220 yuan/ton price difference, has obvious advantages on price. 100000 tons/year of ionic membrane caustic soda unit to switch to liquid brine of salt to the greatest extent, can reduce production cost and improve the economic benefit.
    In the traditional, the barium chloride method is to remove sodium sulfate. Barium chloride belong to the type of poison, controlled, the production of barium sulfate salt mud ~ 2.7 t/h, the processing difficulty is bigger, affect the environment. If using alkali brine system, SO42-6.0 g/l or less in the brine, and the SO42 - in solid salt acuities were 0.7 g/l, need to remove more sulfuric acid root, if you still use the existing chlorinated barium nitrate process, in addition to the high cost of nitrate reagents, increase plant operation cost, increase and decrease of solid salt brine to save our costs and increase almost need more consumption of barium chloride brine cost, raw material route change to alkali production cost reduction is not obvious. This technical transformation considering the use of advanced, mature, reliable CIM membrane in addition to nitrate technology, either in addition to the cost of nitrate reduction, and recycling byproduct sodium sulfate, without reagent barium chloride, no waste discharge, reduce the pollution of the environment.
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