    The Research for Investigation of Internet Addiction of Middle School Students
    —Adopt the Example of 11th Middle School of BaiYin City
    Abstract: In order to know the situation of Internet using and addiction of middle school students, we investigated the students of the 11th middle school of BaiYin City by questionnaire via ‘The Diagnosis Scale of Internet Addiction’,and we did some researches for real case of students. Here is the result: There was obvious gender distinction for peoples who are obsessed with Internet;The students basically got same scores under different family-habitat condition;There was no grade difference for peoples who are obsessed with Internet; The main difference of Internet addiction students are purpose,age,time lasting and numbers of people. So the conclusion is: For Internet Addiction the boys’ performance were worse than girls’; The forming of Internet Addiction has nothing to do with family-habitat condition and grade; some elements just like incorrect purpose, advanced Web-age and spending to much time in Internet are the top reason for the number increasing of people who are obsessed with Internet.
    Keywords: Internet addiction; Middle school students; Real case
    目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    前言    2
    1研究设计    3
    1.1调查对象    3
    1.2研究方法及工具    3
    1.3统计分析    4
    2调查结果    4
    2.1初中生网络成瘾的性别对比    4
    2.2家庭居住环境对网络成瘾的影响    4
    2.3年级和上网主要目的对网络成瘾的影响    4
    2.4网龄和每次上网时长对网络成瘾的影响    5
    2.5网络成瘾中学生的真实案例    6
    3分析讨论    6
    3.1网络成瘾初中生的性别特点    7
    3.2家庭居住环境对初中生网络成瘾无显著影响    7
    3.3各年级网络成瘾者均衡    7
    3.4上网目的影响初中生网络成瘾的形成    8
    3.5网络成瘾者的网龄不同    8
    3.6网络成瘾者的每次上网时长不同    8
    4结论    9
    参考文献    10
    附录    12
    致谢    11
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