    Factors affecting early childhood disruptive behavior in the kindergarten and education strategy
    Abstract: The distruotive behavior is that the child distory something at home or damage to property of others and public facilities . The damage is pided into two, "deliberate destruction" and "unintentional destruction," This paper studies the "intentional sabotage."In this paper, the basic method I used is observation, I observed three classes of intermediate grade group in the kindergarten,a total of 115 children.Find the intermediate children’s ’distruotive behavior’ has reasons for different aspects of the timing of the occurrence, object, space and how to deal with disruptive behavior would have a negligible effect of the teachers and children’s own developement. Disruptive behavior for different causes have different coping strategies, we must also focus on children's physical and psychological, to give targeted know, to facilitate their moving in the right direction.
    Keywords: disruptive behavior, child , factors, present situation, education countermeasures
    一、幼儿在园破坏性行为的现状    1
    (一)发生时机    2
    (二)幼儿破坏性行为产生的空间    2
    (三)幼儿破坏性行为发生的对象    4
    (四)有无教师看管    4
    二、影响幼儿破坏性行为的因素    5
    (一)特定的时机影响幼儿的破坏性行为    5
    (二)狭小的空间影响幼儿破坏性行为的发生    6
    (三)个别孩子有着不同程度的破坏性行为    6
    (四)教师在不在场影响幼儿的破坏性行为    7
    三、应对策略    7
    (一)在特定的时机内给予幼儿特定的教育    8
    (二)合理布置游戏场地和安排游戏人员    8
    (三)对于个别调皮孩子要进行适当的批评教育    8
    (四)给予孩子更多的关心和爱    8
    参考文献:    9
    英文摘要与关键词:    10
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