Abstract: With the implementation of the new curriculum reform of the education,the type of dialogue reading teaching concept has achieved extensive concern of educators. While in the teaching of reading ,the type of communicating with the textbook editors as a novel way has been seeping into the teaching of Chinese in the primary schools . Therefore, how primary Chinese teachers should do to make an effective conversation with textbook editors to achieve new breakthrough in the Chinese reading teaching? This paper will discuss the problem with deep thinking to clear the meaning of the communication between the Chinese teachers and the textbook editors and analyze the current situation and the problems by exploring the status and the role of the textbook editors. At the same time,I will take the text Realize the Dream of Flying to Outer Space for example to put forward the dialogue strategy, to make the classroom as the carrier to establish the type of multiple dialogue teaching method and to improve the quality of reading teaching.
Keywords: Textbook editors ,Dialogue, Reading teaching
目 录
1 引言 … 4
2 教科书编者的地位和作用… 4
3 小学语文教师与教科书编者对话的意义… 4
3.1把握教学的目标方向…… 4
3.2选择合理的教学方法… 4
3.3正确理解编者意图…… 5
3.4提升教师教学能力和综合素质… 5
4 小学语文教师与教科书编者对话的现状与问题… 5
4.1表现在对话意识上 5
4.2表现在对话主体上 6
4.3表现在对话过程中 6
5 小学语文教师与教科书编者对话的策略… 6
5.1 与编者对话,吃透新课标,把握教材编写原则…… 6
5.2 与编者对话,深入钻研教材,领会编者意图 7
5.3在师生共同解读文本中与编者对话 9
结论 …… 11
参考文献 12
1 引言
2 教科书编者的地位和作用