


    Abstract: With the wide application of computer and network technology in the field of education, using computer and network to online learning has gradually become the important way of people's daily study. Online learning makes the learning behavior of people becoming more and more personalized, virtualization, present a totally different from traditional learning behavior features. On college students' online learning behavior to conduct a comprehensive analysis and research, it is great important to promote efficient use of university online learning. The paper from the aspects of the concept of online learning behavior, analyzed the characteristics of the online learning behavior and the influencing factors of online learning behavior, pointed out main problems that existing in current college students' network learning behavior. On the basis of this puts forward countermeasures to improve college students' online learning efficiency. 

    Key words: the online learning, online learning behavior, online learning evaluation.

    目  录

    1  前言 4

    2  网络学习行为的概述 4

    2.1  含义 4

    2.2  网络学习评价 5

    2.3  网络学习行为的特征 5

    3  大学生网络学习行为的影响因素分析 6

    3.1  大学生的自身因素 6

    3.2  网络环境因素 6

    3.3  教育者和学习群体因素 7

    3.4  学习资源 7

    4  当前大学生在网络学习行为中存在的主要问题 8

    4.1  缺乏网络学习的目标和内部需求 8

    4.2  大学生的自我控制能力不高 8

    4.3  缺少情感的交流 8

    4.4  缺乏有效的评价机制 9

    4.5  对学生的学习过程缺少有效的控制 9

    4.6  大学生网络素养不能完全适应网络学习的需要 9

    5  提高大学生网络学习效率的对策 10

    5.1  激发大学生的学习动机 10

    5.2  加强网络资源建设 10

    5.3  完善交流机制 11

    5.4  改进网络学习评价方法 11

    5.5  加强网络学习过程监控 12

    5.6  提高大学生的网络素养 13

    结  论

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