      关键词 : 房地产业  房地产价格  影响因素
    Real estate is a capital-intensive , high correlation of industry , but also the basic necessities of the people of the industry . Property is necessary to produce the goods people's lives but also a wealth of investors , housing prices not only with people's labor and lives, but also the quality and development of the competitiveness of a city and the city has a close relationship , it is a country's macroeconomic policy, financial steady fundamental protection. As the main engine of the national economy , China 's contribution to the steady growth of the real estate industry made very clear. According to statistics , in 2013 , China's second-hand housing with houses trading volume is expected to more than 6 trillion , equivalent to one fifth of the GDP during the same period ; forecast that the total investment in real estate development and 3.6 trillion yuan , accounting for the proportion of investment in fixed assets 19% ; increase in fixed asset investment , the real estate contribution , refrain .    At the same time , I am the real estate prices soaring , as of the end of April , first-tier cities in China's major commodity trading average price hit a record high . The rapid rise in real estate prices has become an important factor affecting people's living standards .    This paper discusses the current situation and development of China's real estate development process, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province as an example to a detailed analysis of the important factors that affect real estate prices , these important factors , including cost factors, economic factors, social factors, environmental factors , and urban planning. Contact the real estate industry and further analysis of the economic development and urbanization , and other aspects .
    Keywords: Real estate, Real estate prices, Influence factors
     目   录

    1 引言    1
    1.1 问题的提出及研究意义    1
    1.2  国内房地产业发展现状    2
    1.3  影响我国房地产价格因素    3
    1.4  国内房地产业的宏观调控政策与对比分析    3
    2 影响房地产价格的成本因素    5
    2.1 土地成本    5
    2.2 建筑安装成    8
    2.3 税费成本    8
    3 影响房地产价格的经济因素    10
    3.1 房地产业发展与客观经济复苏、发展之间的关系    10
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