关键词 规则不公平厌恶 财产不公平厌恶 社会效用 社会偏好
Title The Measurement of Aversion of Unfair Rules Based
on Experimental Economics
In recent years, behavioral economics has been developing rapidly, and an increasing number of empirical evidence poses a challenge to the private hypothesis. Behavioral economists gradually realize the human economic activity is not completely self-interest. The widely recognition of social rules, being used to explain people’s behavior that deviated from the rational, is also the foundation of the people cooperation. Combined with classical experiments of Dictator and Ultimatum, this article mainly measures people’s aversion of unfair rules through letting people choose their own preferred rules by bidding, making theoretical analysis and data analysis as the main method, exploring the affection of the preference to the offenders’ economic decisions (mainly for the property distribution decisions). At the same time, this article significantly distinguish the unfair rules of disgust and property through the comparative analysis, adding a new study dimension in the research of social utility curve. This article’s research results may provide a reference to rules maker to improve the offender self-discipline by strengthening the offender’s rules recognition, and can provide a new research approach for the research of cooperation behavior between strangers.
Keywords aversion of unfair rules aversion of unfair property
social utility social reference
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究问题描述 2
1.3 研究方法 2
1.4 本文结构框架 3
2 文献回顾综述 4
2.1 理论背景 4
2.1 实验测度 5
2.3 尚未解决的问题与不足 7
3 研究思路及实验设计 8
3.1 研究思路 8
3.2 实验设计及实施 8
4 数据分析 12
4.1 数据分析思路 12
4.2 对R1组被试的数据分析 13
4.3 对R2组被试的数据分析 18
4.4 R1、R2组被试的数据对比分析 23
结论 27
致谢 29
参考文献 30
- 上一篇:中国上市公司融资结构及成因分析
- 下一篇:中国企业境外股权融资的发展与现状