
    摘  要运用空间相互作用引力模型和断裂点等方法,并基于空间作用强度、方向与范围,对环太湖经济圈内各县市经济联系的空间作用进行了综合性的分析。结果显示:环太湖经济圈内21个县市在空间作用强度、作用方向、作用范围等方面都存在着较大的差异,但无论从哪个方面,都可得知苏州市区是环太湖经济圈的首要的经济核心与辐射中心。在经济作用强度上,苏州市区的经济联系强度为第一位,成为该区首要的经济发展核心,并且区域内江苏的县市间的经济联系明显强于浙江县市间;在经济作用方向上,各县市的经济联系都表现出较强的临近地域指向性的特点;在经济作用范围上,各县市的空间作用范围不一,且有些相互重叠,总体来说苏州市区的辐射范围最大。因此,在未来的发展中,需要对各县市进行分类引导,加快经济圈内县市的一体化进程,打破原有的行政区域界限,促进环太湖经济圈的整体全面可持续发展。69217


    The Spatial Effect of Economic Linkage Between the Cities and Counties in the Circum-Taihu Lake Economic Area


    The use of spatial interaction gravity model, the breaking point and other methods, with the role of space-based strength, direction and extent of the role of the spatial effect of economic linkage between cities and counties in the Circum-Taihu Lake Economic Area ties to conduct a comprehensive analysis. The results show: Circum-Taihu Lake Economic Area 21 counties in space potency, the role of the direction, scope and other aspects there is a big difference, but no matter from which side, that can be said Suzhou city is the primary economic core and the radiation center within the Circum-Taihu Lake Economic Area. On the economic role of strength point, Suzhou city is the first in the strength of economic ties, and become the primary core of economic development of the area, also the region economic ties between the cities and counties in Jiangsu, which is stronger than Zhejiang counties; in the direction of the economic role the city and county economic ties have shown a strong geographical proximity directivity characteristics; economic scope, spatial scope of different counties, and some overlap themselves; in all respect, Suzhou city has the max radiation range. Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to classify counties guide to speed up economic integration process circle counties, breaking the existing boundaries of administrative areas, and promote the overall economic circle around Taihu Lake of comprehensive and sustainable development.

    Key Words: Cities of the Circum-Taihu Lake Economic Area; economic contacts;  spatial effect; gravity model; breaking point

    目  录




    1 引言1

    2 研究区概况---2

    3 研究方法和数据来源---2

    3.1 研究方法2

    3.2 数据来源4

    4 环太湖经济圈县市经济联系的空间作用分析-4

    4.1 作用强度4

    4.2 作用方向6

    4.3 作用范围8

    5 主要结论-10





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