


    Abstract:Tourism is the best way to develop circular economy. The development of circular economy of tourism is an inevitable trend. Developing circular economy of tourism is not only the requirements of tourist industry, but also the demand to solve the ecological problems. This paper takes Wuxi as an example. First of all, disscussing the connotation and features of tourism circular economy. Secondly, it analyzes the present situation of Wuxi tourism cyclic economy and find out the problems restricting its development. Finally, in order to speed up the pace of Wuxi tourism circular economy and promote the further development of tourism cyclic economy, this paper puts forward some countermeasures. Such as the implementation of policies and regulations; play a part in science and technology; improve service quality as well as strengthen the propaganda.

    Key words: tourism, circular economy,Wuxi , the existing problems, countermeasures

    目 录

    1  引言 3

    2  旅游循环经济理论概述 3

    2.1  旅游循环经济的内涵及特征 3

    2.2  发展旅游循环经济的意义 4

    3  无锡旅游循环经济的发展现状及问题 4

    3.1  无锡旅游循环经济发展现状 5

    3.2  无锡旅游循环经济发展过程中存在的问题 6

    4  加快循环经济模式下无锡旅游业发展的对策 7

    4.1  完善法规体系,确保政策有效实施 7

    4.2  充分发挥科技的支撑作用 8

    4.3  改变经营方式,建设生态旅游城市 8

    4.4  加大资金支持,完善公共服务体系 9

    4.5  加强宣传教育,引领公众参与建设 9

    结论 11

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13

    1  引言


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