


    The Influence of Exhibition Brand on City Image - A Case Study of China Environment Expo

    Abstract: In the political, economic and cultural background of globalization, the city's brand image has become a key factor in competition. The exhibition economy has become the third largest real estate and tourism after the "pollution-free economy." Especially in the "13th Five-Year Plan" to determine adhere to the "innovation, coordination, green, open, sharing" development concept, how to build large-scale exhibition activities to enhance the image of the city by all walks of life concern. As one of China's municipality directly under the Central Government, Shanghai has become a national center city, economic and financial center with the reputation of "Paris of the East". It is well-known both at home and abroad. In the 16th China International Horticultural Exposition held in Shanghai, Scholars, and relevant government departments to discuss trends in the application of cutting-edge technology, the pulse of urban development trends, this exhibition attracted from the United States, Germany, France, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Korea, Japan and other countries more than 1,000 exhibitors. In this paper, "Exhibition brand image of the city's image - the China Environment Expo as an example," as the title is intended to analyze the effects of large-scale exhibition on the city's image, summed up the brand image of the city's formation mechanism, Trying to put forward long-term development suggestions for domestic cities to hold large-scale exhibition to provide a practical reference for shaping the city's image.

    Keywords:Exhibition brand; City image; China Environment Expo

    目  录

    引言 1

    一、相关理论和概念 2

    (一) 展会品牌 2

    (二) 城市形象 2

    (三) CIS介绍 2

    二、 文献综述 4

    (一)国外研究现状 4

    (二)国内研究现状 4

    (三)发展趋势及评述 4

    三、中国上海环博会品牌现状分析 5

    (一) 上海环博会简介 5

    (二) 上海环博会的优劣势分析

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