

    毕业论文关键词:茶叶出口   现状   竞争力

    Analysis on the Present Situation and Competitiveness of China 's Tea Export

    Abstract:With China's accession to the WTO for more than a decade, China has got great  accomplishments in external trade, over the years has been in the trade situation. Agricultural exports have been many years of history, especially in the export of tea in this area, as early as a few hundred years ago the Qing government through tea, porcelain and other agricultural products in exchange for a large number of exports of foreign exchange silver. In today's environment, China's tea trade is still in a big country status, but the problem is also a lot of problems. Such as competition from other emerging tea producing countries, as well as trade barriers in the importing and exporting countries. This article will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of China's tea exports, explore how to stand out from the many competing countries, come out of the plight of the present situation to come to the analysis, put forward the views. At the same time for China's similar agricultural exports also have some practical significance.

    Key Words:tea export, situation, competitiveness


    第1章 导论 1

    1.1 论文的研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 国内的研究现状及发展趋势 1

    第2章 国内外茶叶出口现状分析 2

    2.1 中国茶叶出口贸易现状分析 2

    2.2 世界茶叶出口贸易现状分析 3

    2.3 中国茶叶出口企业构成 4

    第3章 影响中国茶叶贸易国际竞争力的因素分析 5

    3.1 宏观影响因素分析 5

    3.1.1 市场环境因素 5

    3.1.2 政策和关税因素 6

    3.2 微观影响因素分析 6

    3.2.1 质量与安全因素 6

    3.2.2 品牌因素 7

    第4章 增强中国茶叶国际竞争力的对策 7

    4.1 政府层面 7

    4.1.1 政府提供政策支持和保证 7

    4.1.2 加强应对国际贸易壁垒的能力 8

    4.1.3 明确我国茶叶生产质量标准 8

    4.2 行业层面 8

    4.2.1 发展和完善茶叶协会 8

    4.2.2 科学监督,共同打造中国优质茶叶品牌 9

    4.3 企业层面 10

    4.3.1 全面提升茶叶生产质量及检测技术 10

    4.3.2 努力提高茶文化的国际影响力

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