


    Analysis on the Operation Mode and Advantages and Disadvantages of Overseas Shopping Service——Taking the Online Sales Platform as an Example

    Abstract:The rapid development of overseas purchasing is mainly due to its price advantage and brand advantage to meet the inpidual needs of consumers. The simple and convenient operation also continue to attract different age groups of consumers. Overseas purchasing can be pided into two types: private purchasing and website purchasing. Private purchase also can be pided into acquaintances purchasing and full-time purchasing; website purchasing for the professional category of shopping sites, such as T-mall International, Jumei。com, Red and other shopping sites. Regardless of the way through which purchasing, consumers generally encountered the problem of receiving fake and logistics too slow. Although the overseas purchasing more convenient to people's lives, but the high risk of overseas purchasing makes consumers deceived, will have a very high cost of ownership. In this paper, the author systematically analyzes and studies the advantages and disadvantages of the different operating modes of "overseas purchasing", compares the two ways and understands the consumption risk of the two kinds of overseas purchasing methods and finds the corresponding prevention method.

    Key words:Overseas Shopping; Online sales platform;Analysis of development prospects;  Risk prevention

    目 录

    一、绪论 1

    (一)研究目的与意义 1

    (二)文献综述 1

    (三)研究方法 3

    1、查阅文献 3

    2、调查问卷 3

    (四)研究内容 3

    二、海外代购的现状分析 4

    (一)海外代购的概述 4

    1、什么是海外代购 4

    2、海外代购的特点 4

    (二)海外代购的现状分析 4

    1、海外代购的发展现状 4

    2、海外代购的类型 6

    三、海外代购的运营模式分析 8

    (一)私人微商运营模式分析 8

    (二)专业购物网站运营模式分析 8

    1、M2C模式 8

    2、B2C模式 9

    3、C2C模式 9

    4、海外直邮 9

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