

    With the rapid development of Internet finance in recent years in China, P2P lending, which is a major part of Internet finance, has showed explosive growth. As a new form of traditional finance, the development of P2P lending industry is very disordered currently in China with many unqualified platforms in this industry,due to low entry barriers and lack of regulatory measures and policies, which is not conducive to long-term development of P2P lending industry in China. For this reason, the main contents of this paper are comparative research of business model and risk management of some international mainstream P2P lending platforms. By learning from the international experience in P2P lending risk management, in view of current development situation and government supervision of P2P lending in China, the study will draw some enlightenment of P2P lending industry regulation in China. 

    毕业论文 关键词:网络融资; 风险管理; 国际经验

     Keyword: network financing; risk management; international experience

    目    录

    一、引言 4

    (一)研究背景 4

    (二)国内外研究现状和发展趋势分析 4

    (三)国内外研究存在的主要问题 6

    (四)研究内容 6

    (五)研究需要解决的问题 6

    (六)研究方法 6

    二、P2P网络借贷模式概述 7

    (一)P2P网络借贷的起源及发展 7

    (二)P2P网络借贷的特点 8

    三、P2P网络借贷在中国的发展 9

    四、国外主流P2P平台的比较研究 9

    (一)主流模式下的P2P平台 9

    1、个人信贷类平台 9

    2、中小企业贷款类平台 10

    3、混合模式 11

    (二)细分领域下的垂直P2P平台 11

    1、票据融资类平台:英国Maret Invoice 12

    2、学生贷款类平台:美国SoFi 12

    3、房地产贷款类平台 12

    五、P2P平台的风险管理 12

    (一)风险管理的含义 12

    (二)风险管理的层次 13

    1、英国:以Funding Circle为代表 13

    2、美国:以Lending Club为代表 14


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