
    摘 要互联网跨境代购,即代购商通过互联网交易平台按照消费者的意愿从境外购买商品并寄送回消费者手中的行为。随着跨境进口电商的热潮的到来,跨境电商迅速成为各大电商平台、资本追逐的对象,国内多家电商平台开始增加跨境进口零售业务。在资本层面,多家跨境进口电商纷纷宣布获得融资,加码布局抢占海外购物市场。总体而言,进口零售类电商产业现状是机遇很大,困难不小。61366


    毕业论文关键词:跨境代购平台; 天猫国际; 洋码头; 小红书

    Abstract: Internet cross-border purchasing, the purchasing from outside suppliers to purchase goods and send back to the behavior of consumers through the Internet trading platform in accordance with the wishes of consumers. With the advent of cross-border electricity supplier import boom, cross-border electricity supplier quickly become a major electricity supplier platform, capital chasing the target, many domestic appliances business platform started to increase cross-border imports retail business. In the capital level, a number of cross-border import electricity suppliers have announced obtain financing, coded layout to seize the overseas market shopping. Overall, the current situation of imported retail electricity provider industry is a great opportunity, the difficulty is not small.

    Electricity supplier giant Alibaba launched Tmall.HK platform, platform represents a rising star Ymatou and Red, both direct docking of domestic consumers and foreign suppliers, so that consumers can be photographed in overseas commodity security and convenient to the consumer hands, satisfaction and enhance domestic consumer demand overseas shopping and shopping experience. While another three are different. In this paper, the cross-border purchasing platform development status and marketing model analysis Tmall.HK, Red, Ymatou, for example, comparative analysis of three platform models, advantages and disadvantages, summarized in three platforms War Problems given optimization.

    Key words: cross-border purchasing platform;  Tmall.HK;  Ymatou;  Red

    目  录

    一 绪论 4

    1.1选题背景及意义 4

    1.2国内外研究现状 4

    二 互联网跨境代购平台的发展历程和运营模式 6

    2.1 互联网跨境代购平台的发展历程 6

    2.2互联网跨境代购平台的运营模式 7

    三 跨境代购平台发展 以天猫国际 洋码头 小红书为例 8

    3.1天猫国际简述 8

    3.2 洋码头简述 8

    3.3 小红书简述 8

    四 三个跨境代购平台的对比 9

    4.1 平台百度指数对比 9

    4.2 战略层:产品定位及模式对比 11

    4.3 范围层:功能页面对比 11

    4.4 平台运营对比

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