


    Abstract:With the development of electronic commerce,more and more traditional agricultural enterprises are now being turned into E-commerce Enterprise.However,they have to face many problems in the process.

    This study used the literature research and the empirical research methods.By reading a lot of literatures,find out the related factors to the success of transition. Combing the reality situations of LiShui,drawn the factors to the success of agricultural enterprises' E-commerce and the factors to evaluate the success .And then,have constructed the research supposition,proposed the theoretical model. In terms of data,design investigation questionnaires to collect the statistics,use empirical methods to analyze the data and test the hypothesis.Finally,according to the conclusion,combing the reality situations of mall and medium-sized enterprises ,put forward countermeasures.


    Keyword:e-business;agricultural enterprise transition;influencing factor


    1 引言 14

    1.1 背景 14

    1.1.1 农业企业电商发展现状 14

    1.1.2 传统农业企业电商转型的必要性 14

    1.2 研究意义 14

    1.2.1 理论价值 14

    1.2.2 实际价值 14

    2 研究文献综述 14

    2.1 企业电商转型成功要素研究 14

    2.2 农产品发展电子商务要素研究 15

    3 研究模型与理论假设 16

    3.1 农业企业电子商务转型成功的关键要素分析 16

    3.1.1 外部环境要素 18

    3.1.2 产品因素 18

    3.1.3 战略因素 19

    3.1.4 领导因素 19

    3.1.5 技术因素 20

    3.1.6 平台因素 20

    3.2本文的研究模型与假设 21

    3.2.1 研究模型与假设 21

    3.2.2 变量之间关系 21

    4 研究设计、数据收集和分析方法 21

    4.1 问卷设计 21

    4.2 数据收集 22

    4.3 数据分析方法 22

    4.3.1 电子商务成功评价指标因素的因子分析 23

    4.3.2 电子商务成功影响因素的因子分析 23

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