
    摘要: “一带一路”作为我国首倡的,由高层领导推动的国家级战略现已在如火如荼的建设中。跟随中央的政策方针,进军“一带一路”国际市场是我国企业又一次重大机遇。由于“一带一路”沿线国家众多,环境复杂,所以企业会面临前所未有的挑战。因此,如何从中获取最大利益,是我国企业急需考虑的问题。本文就我国企业在“一带一路”沿线国家市场营销中所面临的各种问题进行研究分析,尝试走出一条适合本国企业的国际市场营销之路。69279

    毕业论文关键词:一带一路 国际市场 企业营销

    The analysis of The Belt and Road enterprises under the background of international marketing strategy

    Abstract: "The Belt and Road" as China initiated, driven by the senior leadership of the national strategy in the construction is like a raging fire. Follow the Party Central Committee's policy, "The Belt and Road" to enter the international market is also a great opportunity of Chinese enterprises. Because of the "The Belt and Road along the country is numerous, complex environment, so enterprises will face new challenges hitherto unknown. Therefore, how to obtain the maximum benefit, is the question which our country enterprise needs to consider urgently. In this paper, various problems facing countries along in the marketing of Chinese enterprises in the "The Belt and Road" under the background of research and analysis, to try out a suitable for domestic enterprises in the international market marketing of the road.

    Key Words: The Belt and Road,  international market,  Enterprise marketing

    目 录


    一、引言 1

    (一) “一带一路”提出的背景 1

    (二) “一带一路”的内涵 1

    (三) “一带一路”的战略意义 2

    二、“一带一路”战略给企业带来的影响分析 2

    (一)“一带一路”战略带来的新机遇 2

    (二)“一带一路”战略带来的新挑战 5

    三、“一带一路”战略下企业国际市场营销对策 6

    (一)充分熟悉海外投资环境 6

    (二)充分发挥企业的积极性和主动性 7

    (三)多和政府打交道 7

    (四)多和海外华人华侨进行合作交流 8

    (五)企业应抱团扎根形成产业链 8

    (六)调整企业自身营销战略 9

    四、结语 11

    参考文献 13


    (一) “一带一路”提出的背景


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