

    毕业论文关键词: 会展旅游业; “一带一路”; 战略研究

    The study about the conference and exhibition tourism of Shanghai based on the strategy of ‘The Belt and Road’

    Abstract:The strategy of ‘The Belt and the Road’ brings unprecedented opportunities to conference and exhibition tourism. It’s urgent to develop the conference and exhibition tourism of Shanghai under the advantages of region, culture and economy. The article mainly analyzes the current situation of Shanghai’s conference and exhibition tourism by the way of questionnaire inquiry and building the model of IPA to evaluate current situation of Shanghai’s conference and exhibition tourism, and proposes the ways to improve and attract Silk Roads’ countries which could join in Shanghai; At the same time, the article proposes how to let Shanghai go out to organize exhibitions by analyzing ASEAN which is one part of Silk Roads. According to these factors before, we can analyze how to comprehensively catch the strategy of ‘The Belt and the Road’, and explore the new ways to develop conference and exhibition tourism of Shanghai under the strategy of ‘The Belt and Road’.   

    KeyWords: Conference and exhibition tourism;  The Belt and Road;  Strategic studies

    目  录

    一、 绪论 1

    (一) 研究背景及意义 1

    1、 研究背景 1

    2、 研究目的 1

    (二) 国内外会展旅游业现状 1

    1、 国际会展旅游业现状 1

    2、 国内会展旅游业现状 2

    (三) 我国会展旅游业发展趋势 2

    1、 会展旅游与“一带一路”战略建设 2

    2、 会展旅游业发展趋势 3

    3、 研究思路 4

    二、 相关概念和理论 5

    (一) 会展旅游业内涵 5

    (二)“一带一路”基本情况和沿线资源分析 5

    1、 “一带一路”历史与时代背景 5

    2、 “一带一路”地理范围 6

    (三) 研究方法 -IPA模型 6

    三、 上海会展旅游业现状分析 7

    (一) 上海会展旅游业发展现状 7

    1、 调研目的及方法 7

    2、 建立上海会展旅游业问卷评价维度

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