
    摘要:科技展会被专家们广泛认为是 21 世纪的向阳产业,中国“入世”之後,会展业诱人的发展远景使得中国内地许多核心城市和省城着力培育“会展经济”,会展活动空前活跃,会展经济发展迅猛。提升会展传播的影响力,拓展会展传播渠道是会展传播必须解决的问题。发展也成为最核心的关键。 本文以工博会为研究对象,通过分析,可了解现存问题和预测展览会传播科技信息的发展趋势,并在总结实践经验的基础上,为政府、高校和企业正确实施会展平台的科技信息传播提供决策依据。68783


    The Research of the Influence of Professional level on Communication of Sci-tech Information

    Abstract: Science and technology exhibition by the experts generally believe that the 21st century sunrise industry, China's "WTO", the exhibition industry attractive development prospects make China's many central cities and provincial cities focus on cultivating "exhibition economy", unprecedented exhibition activities, exhibition economy Rapid development. Enhance the influence of the spread of the exhibition, expand the exhibition channel is the exhibition must spread to solve the problem. Development has become the core of the key. This paper takes the trade fair as the research object, through the analysis, can understand the existing problems and predict the development of scientific and technological information dissemination exhibition trends, and summed up the practical experience on the basis of the government, universities and enterprises to correctly implement the exhibition platform for scientific and technological information dissemination Provide decision basis.

    Key Words: Science and technology information dissemination;CIIF;Professional degree of exhibition


    引言 1

    一、绪论 2

    (一) 研究背景和意义 2

    1、 课题的研究背景 2

    2、 课题的研究意义 2

    (二)研究内容和方法 2

    1、研究内容 2

    2、研究方法 3

    (三) 研究的现状和发展趋势 3

    (四)论文创新点 4

    二、相关理论分析 6

    (一)会展定义研究现状 6

    (二)科技信息传播定义研究现状 6

    三、以工博会为例分析专业程度与科技信息传播的关系 8

    (一)工博会专业程度分析 8

    1、专业展内容 8

    2、展会规模 9

    3、专业观众 10

    4、参展企业 11

    (二)工博会科技信息传播分析 11

    1、传播对象 11

    2、传播手段 11

    (三)调查问卷分析 12

    1、问卷分析 12

    (四)关系分析 13

    (五)存在问题 14


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