

    毕业论文关键词:会展 会展传播 科技信息传播 创新

    Research on the Innovation of Science and Technology Information Transmission from the Perspective of Exhibition 

    As the 21st century sunrise industry, the exhibition industry has greatly accelerated the rapid development of many countries and regions. In China, the development of the exhibition industry not only brought great economic benefits, but also on the overall development of cities and regions have a variety of leading role. At the same time, science and technology in the world to accelerate the development of countries and regions have attached great importance to the development of science and technology, industry and people on science and technology information science knowledge needs and dependence is also rising. Research and exhibition of science and technology information dissemination is to start from the study of the exhibition. Exhibition communication is the exhibition for the media for information exchange and interaction, with high involvement, high technology, and the characteristics of the system. At the same time to stand in the perspective of communication to the practical application of the industry as a case to understand the current domestic exhibition of scientific and technological information dissemination of the status quo, pointed out the problem, and put forward the corresponding recommendations and strategies to the future work to help. 

    Key Words: Exhibition;Exhibition communication;Science and technology information dissemination ;creativity 


    一、绪论 4

    (一)研究背景和意义 4

    1、课题的研究背景 4

    2、研究的意义 4

    (二)研究的现状和发展趋势 5

    1、研究的现状 5

    2、研究的发展趋势 6

    二、我国现阶段会展与科技信息传播的现状 7

    (一)、现阶段科技信息传播的发展现状 7

    (二)、会展业与科技信息传播的关系 7

    (三)、 会展中科技信息传播的创新价值 8

    三、关于会展视角下科技信息传播创新的调查报告分析 10

    (一)、调研方法 10

    (二)、调研时间、地点 10

    (三)、数据分析 10

    (四)、结论 15


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