


    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title   The research of the prospect of the mainland and Taiwan agricultural trade under the ECFA framework               



    With the economic development, size of cross-strait agricultural trade and investment in agriculture is increasing, and is becoming an important part of the cross-strait economic and trade cooperation. June 29, 2010, in the common aspirations of the people on both sides, "Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement" (ECFA) was signed. The two sides of the Taiwan Strait ECFA open a new era of cross-strait economic cooperation. This will have a profound impact on cross-strait political, economic and social development. In view of this, the paper mainly discusses the prospects for the development of cross-strait agricultural trade in the framework of the ECFA. This paper analysis cross-strait agricultural trade profile based on the concept of ECFA, the main stage of the development of cross-strait agricultural trade and trade structure analysis, and analysis of the problems of cross-strait trade in agricultural products, and focus on the analysis of the impact of ECFA on cross-strait agricultural trade, and finally, of outlook cross-strait cooperation in agricultural trade under the ECFA framework.

    Keywords    ECFA  cross-strait  agricultural trade    prospect


    1  导论 1

    1.1  选题背景与研究意义 1

    1.2  研究内容及结构安排 1

    2  ECFA的主要内容及意义 2

    2.1  ECFA的主要内容 2

    2.2  大陆和台湾签订ECFA的意义 3

    3  大陆与台湾农产品贸易概况 4

    3.1  大陆与台湾农产品贸易发展历程 4

    3.2  大陆与台湾农产品贸易结构 5

    3.3  大陆与台湾农产品贸易中存在的问题 7

    4  ECFA对两岸农产品贸易影响分析 11

    4.1  ECFA对两岸农产品贸易的积极影响 11

    4.2  ECFA对两岸农产品贸易的挑战 13

    4.3  本章小结 14

    5  ECFA框架下两岸农产品贸易合作展望 14

    5.1  贸易额将快速增长贸易逆差问题将得以改善 15

    5.2  两岸形成以台商对内地为主的双向投资局面

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