

    毕业论文关键词 金砖国家;中俄,经贸合作模式 ,对策

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Research into Sino-Russian Economic and Trade Cooperation under the BRIC framework


    In recent years, the scholars pay more and more attention to the BRIC countries, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. In this paper, the Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation under the framework of the BRIC countries is as the research object, based on the description of the foreign trade of the BRIC countries, the paper focus on the characteristics of the situation of Sino-Russian trade and economic and trade cooperation between China and Russia mode. Studies have shown that the characteristics are as follows: Sino-Russian government and the senior leadership is a key driver of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries; Sino-Russian intergovernmental agreement creates the conditions for the bilateral economic and trade; Finally, for the problems of economic and trade cooperation between China and Russia, appropriate countermeasures are provided: new understanding and positioning of the Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation, regulate trade order to eliminate the institutional barriers of trade between China and Russia, find a new growth point of the Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation, combined with the regional development strategy between the two countries, and promote Sino-Russian the development of border trade and functional cooperation and institutional cooperation to start innovative economic and trade cooperation, which is of great significance in the BRIC framework of the development of Sino-Russian trade.

    Keywords : BRIC countries, Sino-Russian ,trade and economic cooperation;suggestions


    1  引言 3

    1.1  研究背景及意义 3

    1.2  主要研究内容 3

    2  金砖国家框架下中俄两国经贸合作分析 4

    2.1  “金砖国家”对外贸易发展概况 4

    2.2  金砖国家框架下中俄经贸合作概况 8

    2.3  中俄经贸合作模式特点 9

    3  中俄两国经贸合作模式中存在的问题 12

    3.1  经济转型的制约 13

    3.2  经济发展阶段的局限 13

    3.3  中俄贸易结构不合理 14

    4  金砖国家框架下中俄经贸合作发展对策 15

    4.1  重新认识和定位中俄经贸合作

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