


    The Impact of FTA on China and South Korea Trade 

    Abstract: The purpose of the free trade agreement is to promote economic integration, one of its goals is to eliminate trade barriers, allowing the free flow of products and services between countries. In the context of economic globalization, any a multilateral trade arrangements cannot be ruled out the agreement countries and regions outside of the international trading system, its development will be restricted greatly. In our country to keep up with the rapid development of regional economic cooperation on a global scale, the trend of catching up, and vigorously promote and participate in the progress of bilateral FTA. China-south Korea fta is so far in our country's most widely foreign signed cover issues, involving the national biggest trading the fta, is a mutually beneficial and win-win for both China and South Korea's agreement, realized the "roughly balanced, comprehensive, high level of interest". With the research purpose of this paper is to understand the development of china-south Korea FTA, both China and South Korea FTA analysis now the status quo and problems in it. Problems must be solved, also provide my ideas for the development of China and South Korea trade.

    Key Words: Free Trade Agreement; China and South Korea's Trade; Impact and tragedy


    前言 1

    (一)研究目的 1

    (二)研究意义 1

    (三)研究内容 1

    一、FTA协议概述 .3

     (一) FTA的特点和发展现状.3



     (二) 中韩FTA的发展历程4




    二、中韩的贸易现状及FTA对其影响. 6

    (一)中韩双边贸易概况 6

    (二)中韩FTA对贸易的影响 9

    1、积极影响 9

    2、消极影响 10


     (一)建立重点企业合作项目,加大双方技术性和产业的合作 12


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