

    毕业论文关键词:   产权;产权制度;国有企业;改革

    Abstract In China, the reform of property rights system is not only the key issue of enterprise reform, but also the core issue in the reform of state-owned enterprises. Enterprise system is a system that restrains enterprise behavior, and enterprise system is system based on enterprise property right system. Enterprise property rights system is also the core of the enterprise system, determines the business form of corporate property. Each of the functions of the enterprise's property rights system is more concentrated. The state, as the controller of the state-owned enterprise, has the right to control the property of the state-owned enterprises, that is, the subject of the property rights, and the government has the right to property and management of the state-owned enterprises, thus suppressing the enthusiasm of the employees to win greater profits for the enterprises. At the same time, the government can control the exercise of state-owned enterprises, will inevitably lead to full employment, to maintain social stability and non-business goals interfere with corporate behavior, so that enterprises can not get rid of the objectives of government enterprises, excessive burden, low efficiency and other issues. Therefore, it is necessary to reform the original property rights system. The reform of the property right system is not only to change the ownership of property, but to solve the nature of state property and create new forms of presentation to adapt to the development of society today. While the ownership of private enterprises in China relative to the attribution is relatively clear. Who invests in capital, who can control the business, the profits earned by those who belong to all. At present, the attribution of property rights, mainly reflected in the state-owned enterprises. This paper will also take the state-owned enterprises as an example, analyze the international gap of property rights system and countermeasures and suggestions.

    Keywords: Property; Property rights system; state - owned enterprise; reform


    摘要 1

    1.绪论 4

    2. 论文主体 6

    2.1国内外现状研究 6

    2.1.1国外现状 6

    2.1.2国内现状 7


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