


    Analysis on China - US Steel Trade Friction

    Abstract: Trade frictions between China and the United States have intensified, especially in the steel industry. In recent years, the United States frequently exported to China's steel products a variety of trade remedy investigations, intended to limit China's steel exports and the protection of its steel industry. Many scholars believe that, after the 45th US presidential Donald Trump took office, China-US steel trade friction will become more intense, and may even affect the friendly relations between the two countries. This paper analyzes the current situation of China-US steel trade friction firstly, and then explores its background and causes, putting forward a number of incentives, including both China and the United States and the world environment. At the same time, taking Panzhihua Steel Enterprise Group as an example, then analyzes the positive and negative effects of China - US steel trade friction on Chinese steel industry. The positive impact includes the promotion of industrial transformation and upgrading and optimization of the overall allocation of steel industry. The negative impacts include limited the development of China's steel industry and thus affect China's overall economic operation, improve unemployment rate. Finally, combined with the actual situation proposed some useful strategies to eliminate the China-US steel trade friction. 

    Keywords: China-US steel trade; trade friction; Anti-dumping; WTO; trade protectionism

    目  录

    引  言 1

    (一) 选题的背景、目的与意义 1

    1、 研究目的 1

    2、 研究意义 1

    3、 研究内容 1

    (二)国内外研究现状 1

    1、 国内研究现状 1

    2、 国外研究现状 2

    一、中美钢铁贸易摩擦现状与表现形式 3

    (一)中美钢铁贸易摩擦现状 3

    (二)中美钢铁贸易摩擦表现形式 4

    1、 反倾销 4

    2、 反补贴 4

    3、 保障措施 5

    二、中美钢铁贸易摩擦产生的主要原因 6


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