






    A Study on the Correlation Analysis of the World Major Stock Index


    With the rapid development of financial markets, the stock market has gradually become an integral part of the entire market. In order to explore the connection and difference between the major stock markets in the world, this paper chooses the Shanghai Composite Index, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the Nikkei 225 Index and the Frankfurt Index as the research object to study the correlation between them.

    In this paper, the improved EEMD decomposition technique of EMD decomposition technology is used to decompose the stock price of 10 stocks in the last ten years to obtain the 10th order function component and one residual variable. On the basis of the results of this decomposition, the t-test of the IMF mean value is obtained after the reconstructed market fluctuation (high frequency part), major event influence (low frequency part), long term trend (residual variable).

    In this paper, the GARCH model is used to analyze the volatility of each stock index, and the volatility of the volatility items in the Chinese stock market is higher than that of the other three markets. Stock index is more serious, followed by the German stock market, the US stock market is the most stable. In addition, through the establishment of the volatility spillover effect model, it is found that the fluctuation of the Dow Jones Industrial Average is very significant, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Nikkei 225 are affected to some extent.

    In this paper, the Granger causality test of the VAR model is used to analyze the Granger causality relationship between the stock indexes under the influence of the financial crisis, and the influence of the Shanghai Composite Index on the Dow Jones Industrial Average is relatively large and the duration is long. 

    Finally, the correlation between the IMFs of each index and the correlation of the market volatility items, the major event impact items and the long-term trend items are analyzed, and the correlation between the long-term trend items is analyzed. The performance is more obvious and the market volatility shows a very weak correlation between the results.

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