


    Abstract: In recent years, Jiangsu’s deficit in service trade presented a striking contrast to surplus in goods trade. According to the reality, improving the international competitiveness of service trade in Jiangsu became the hot topic in academic circles. This article started from the current situation of service trade in Jiangsu, and analyzed the Jiangsu’s condition of scale, tendency and structure in service trade according to the value of import and export. Meanwhile, the article pointed out existing problems in the development of Jiangsu’ service trade. On this basis, this article used the relatively index in service trade (international market share, trade competitiveness index, revealed comparative advantage index) to make a further analysis about the international competition in Jiangsu’s service trade. Finally, this article put forward the relevant strategies and suggestions according to the current situation and the restricting factors in Jiangsu’ service trade.

    Keywords: Jiangsu province,service trade,international competitiveness

    目  录

    1 引言 3

    2 文献综述 3

    3 江苏省服务贸易发展现状 4

    3.1 江苏省服务贸易规模状况分析 4

    3.2 江苏省服务贸易走势状况分析 5

    3.3  江苏省服务贸易结构状况分析 6

    4 江苏省服务贸易国际竞争力分析 7

    4.1 国际市场占有率 7

    4.2 贸易竞争力指数TC指数或NTB指数 8

    4.3 显示性比较优势指数 9

    5 江苏省服务贸易国际竞争力的影响因素 11

    5.1 市场化程度较低 12

    5.2 产业化进程缓慢 12

    5.3 城市化相对滞后 12

    5.4 国际化水平不高 13

    5.5 低端制造业约束了服务业的需求 13

    6 提升江苏省服务贸易国际竞争力的对策建议 14

    6.1 构筑服务业发展新平台 14

    6.2 促进产业结构优化 14

    6.3 以城市化带动服务业 14

    6.4 开拓国际服务市场 14

    6.5 比较优势利用最大化 14

    结  论 16

    参考文献 17

    致  谢

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