

    毕业论文关键词  企业社会责任  信息披露  资本成本 

    毕业论文外 文 摘 要

    Title  corporate social responsibility disclosure and cost of capital                        

     Abstract We examine a potential benefit associated with the voluntary reporting of corporate social responsibility performance, a reduction in firms’ cost of equity capital. We find that firms with high cost of equity capital tend to release corporate social responsibility reports and that reporting firms with relatively superior social responsibility performance enjoy a reduction in the cost of equity capital. Further, reporting firms with superior social responsibility performance attract dedicated institutional investors and analyst coverage. Superior social responsibility performance also serves to reduce forecast errors and dispersion. Finally, firms appear to exploit the benefit of a reduction in the cost of equity capital associated with social responsibility

    reporting: Reporting firms are more likely than non-reporting firms to raise equity capital in the two years following the reporting and among firms raising equity capital, reporting firms raise a significantly larger amount than non-reporting firms.

    Keywords  corporate social responsibility disclosure  cost of capital

    1 引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究意义 1

    1.3  研究思路 2

    2相关假设的发展 4

    2.1文献回顾 4

    2.2研究假设的提出 5

    3实证研究 6

    3.1  样本选择及数据来源 6

    3.2  变量的选择与计量 6

    3.3  控制变量的选取 7

    4  社会责任信息披露对股权资本成本影响的实证结果分析 10

    4.1  一般描述性分析 10

    4.2因素的相关性分析 11

    4.3模型回归结果 12

    5  结论与展望 15

    5.1  研究的主要结论 15

    5.2研究的展望 16

    结论 17

    致谢 18

    参考文献 19

    1 引言

    1.1  研究背景


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